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Absolute Beginner

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 Solo Han
05-02-2000, 11:26 PM

I just bought X-Wing Alliance (but haven't played it yet), and having designed missions for XvT, I wonder how you create missions (with briefings and all that things) for
Alliance. Do you use the integrated builder
or do you use a "non-official" mission builder? (And if yes, where can I get it?)

Thank you,

Solo Han
05-03-2000, 4:57 AM
The 'intergrated' mission editor is called the 'Skirmish Editor', and is very limited in what you can do.

I recommend AlliED, which is a shareware mission editor that is THE premiere mission utility that exists currently.

Having beta-tested AlliED, and actually still beta testing new versions, AND having tried all other 'discontinued' editors, I have to say that AlliED is very well put together. It's made by Troy Dangerfield, who also made XvtED and X-ED, his two Freeware editors, so you know it's got to be good.

Go to: <a href="">Troy's) Editor Page</a>

"Never regret growing old. 'Tis a privilege denied to many."
 Ms. Talon
05-04-2000, 1:21 AM
You can get the AlliED editor at

Visit our homepage for sample battles made with this excellent editor! (link below)

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