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Reskinning copies of models

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01-05-2006, 11:17 AM
I've read lots of tutorials on reskinning models but all of the tutorials override the original model. I'd like to just copy and reskin the model so both will still work. Do I have to use a program to do this?
01-05-2006, 11:25 AM
I think it involves using a HEX code; I'm not sure of the particulars, however.
01-05-2006, 11:31 AM
I've read lots of tutorials on reskinning models but all of the tutorials override the original model. I'd like to just copy and reskin the model so both will still work. Do I have to use a program to do this?What type or particular model did you have in mind? Depending on what you want to re-skin, different methods will apply...

Armor/Robes/Clothing could be as simple as creating a new skin and defining the skin variation in a .uti file..

Others may require you to copy a model and HEX values in order to assign it a new skin...

A little more specifics and I'm sure we can help you out :)
01-05-2006, 11:57 AM
I've read lots of tutorials on reskinning models but all of the tutorials override the original model. I'd like to just copy and reskin the model so both will still work. Do I have to use a program to do this?ChAiNz.2da has is correct in saying we require more information. :) But you will likely require the use of the kotor_tool and/or MDLOps tools. Both are easy to use and we can help you with that.
01-05-2006, 2:07 PM
What type or particular model did you have in mind? Depending on what you want to re-skin, different methods will apply...

Armor/Robes/Clothing could be as simple as creating a new skin and defining the skin variation in a .uti file..

Others may require you to copy a model and HEX values in order to assign it a new skin...

A little more specifics and I'm sure we can help you out :)
Well I'm trying to reskin the blade of a lightsaber. I have the textures I need as well as the template model but the problem is putting it all together.
01-05-2006, 3:24 PM
In order to re-skin a saber blade, and keep the original.. you'll need to make a custom saber & color crystal.

This thread is a great place to start...

but be sure to follow the link within it to Achilles' Handy Tutorials ( Another good tutorial that will help you build the saber in the first place ;)

I'll try to dig up some more links to threads already discussing this topic rather than trying to re-hash over it...
01-06-2006, 10:22 AM
I've already created the lightsaber item and colour crystal but Achilles' Saber Tutorial has exactly what I need to know on making the model for it. Thank you for directing me there.
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