My first attempt :
Screwed up modeling attempt Mira (
Second more sucessfull:
Dancer Outfit Remake (
Very nice :)
I have been waiting for someone to make the dancer's outfit without that flap 'thingy' :)
Now, if you and ParasiteX ( could combine your two mods into one dancer's outfit without the anorexic look and the flap, I will be a happy camper :)
And I just removed the 'skirtthing' yesterday. I was a bit too slow I guess.
Hey brwarner,
Great job on the Dancer Outfit :thumbsup:
Question, I can't seem to load the screenshot for the "screwed up Mira" mod..hehehe
Can I get a better description from ya' (or anyone else)? I need something for the Mods of the Week Report other than "screwed up" :lol:
Lion likey.
I'll have to download this so its handy for my next playthough. Great job!
I couln't see the "screwed up version" either, btw.
Sorry about the picture, it doesnt work for me either but i shall fix it later.
A description: The result when your to lazy to make pants into shorts you copied the polygons from pfbl(danceroutfit) and attached them to Mira's mesh.
Visual Description: A mosterous figure thats back to a foot away from its feet and lines of polygons shoot out from within in random directions, Also has a strange form of walking.
EDIT: I dont understand why no one did what i did earlier. All I had to do was delete the skirt with a single click. And that tutorial said you can't remove flaps...
^^^ The tutorial said you can’t really remove Bastila’s flaps she has an extra bone that controls her flaps so they sway , and mdlops Hates it when the bone count doesn’t match or nwmax complains about x bone has no weight ..ect. Every attempt at it has resulted the same as your screwed up pic you can see my attempt from long ago for a laugh.
I have never imported that dancers body in to max so I have no idea about it’s rig.
Lol, looks sorta like my mira except Mira actually has a head...