FINALLY! Some one else who wishes that the RazSasha fan girls would just go the hell away!!! I swear, I don't dare to serch, because I fear I may stumble across some sick yoai/sex sceen XP XP XP
Why can those little whinny bitches just shut the bleep up!?
And I loved yer "Why must you steal fangirls happyness?" crack.
Their all juzt really really selfish and don't care about any one else but themselves.
I have a wee bit of anti Raz/sasha in my like thread thing to^^
Any way, good stuff man!
We pretty much ALL hate Sasha/Raz. I mean Kiss Me....
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v445/Smon/1013620.gif) Thank god it was deleated from fanfiction.net