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When creating a Journal Entry, where do I...

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 The Source
01-02-2006, 12:49 PM
When creating a Journal Entry, where do I...

When I create a Journal Entry, there is a section in the Global.jrl file called 'Text'. My assumption from what I have read in Darth333's tutorial is that I can write in this feild what I want to apear when the entry pops up in game. Unfortunatly, after I follow her steps, I am not able to write in the field box below it. Did I read something wrong?

Do I put the Journal Entry Text in the:
1. Global.jrl File?
2. Dialogue File?

Other words, what file do I type my Journal Entry text into, so it will display in the Journal in game?
 The Source
01-02-2006, 9:34 PM
I managed to get help from a moderator. If possible, could someone close this thread?

Thanks MacLeodCorp
01-02-2006, 9:49 PM
done ;)
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