Okay, I'm trying to learn how to edit X-Wing Alliance missions. I've checked out the two leading (only?) mission editors. I looked at AlliED, but it sounds like the free version is severly limited and I don't have the $10.00 to get it registered. So, I turn to New Horizons and find that it has been discontinued.
The main question is, what is better: The demo version of AlliED or New Horizons? And where can I find help documentation for New Horizons?
LEt me give you a suggestion Cough up the 10 bucks and pay for AlliED it is worth it!
I wish i knew where the documentation for New Horizons was too, as I prefer not having to pay to edit my games, at least while I don't have a job, hehe
OMEGA Ensign,Mission Designer
AlliED is the editor of choice, it is excellent and very comprehensive. New Horizons was never finished, and no support is available. It's only $10.!