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Dantooine Vrook/Merc Problem

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12-30-2005, 3:45 AM

Still working on my Kaevee addon, but a strange problem has occurred. When I am about to complete Dantooine meaning "the merc showdown", then the fight with Azkull i the Khoonda settlement screwes up and Vrook thinks he' is in the force cage in the crystal cave.

I've attached some scripts to Azkull''s dialouge, when he shows the first time outside the crystalcave, this works like a charm and I don't think this causes the problem.

I have no Vrook conversations or a_merc_attack scripts in my override so i find this most curious. Is this merc attack related to something in the USM mod?

No doubt a script lack a boolean set or something. But I just cant seem to nail it down.

Anybody Please?

12-30-2005, 5:54 AM
The only script I edited directly in that area was the onenter for Khoonda. It simply adds a global check for the good/evil state the player chooses for Revan. Also it will equip Vrooke with his cutom lightsaber.

Did you edit Vrook's Didalog or UTC, I think the dialog he uses is the same for the crystal cave and inside khoonda or to be accurate they use the same file names but are different files. If you have vrook.dlg in your override you should remove it or rename it, but if you rename it you will also have to rename the dialog in the utc and any scripts that may use that dialog. But it would really be better not to use that dialog at all, if you are using it for your mod.
12-31-2005, 3:59 AM
Thanks T7 for the info

Actually I dont use Vrooks dialogue, I did however inject a script in the a_spawn_mines which might be what is causing the problem, as I believe that script gets and sets booleans.
I will try to inject my script another place (for instance in one of my own) and see what happens.

Thanks again

 Emperor Devon
12-31-2005, 4:06 AM
You might want to refrain from editing scripts that already exist. You'll be better off if you just make your own.
12-31-2005, 4:20 AM

I agree I try to avoid it. Sometimes though spawning scripts that fires in a cutscene for instance causes unwanted effects eg multiple instances of same object.....
12-31-2005, 9:52 AM
Can you post your script?
01-04-2006, 4:25 AM

Thanks for the anwers...I've done some research and it turns out that the problem is Azkulls dialouge file which I used to trigger my scripts. This truly was a nobrainer as I found out that his dialogue appears twice inside the ERF's...Doh.. Perhaps i should use a trigger for the spawning instead, but having read the tutorial it seems rather troublesome to make you own. I would also pose a new problem, cuz I only want the script to fire when the mercs turn hostile outside the crystal cave.

I guess I am better of going back to injecting the scripts using Execute script...
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