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Same Heads

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12-30-2005, 12:06 AM
What kind of script function would I need to make the head of an npc the same as the main pc(you)??
12-30-2005, 12:26 AM
Well, from my connected knowledge of scripting (I guarantee you I'm wrong on this one) but you would do something like where you make it: Atton_NPC face = PFGHB04 or whatever your face is. Something of that nature :)
12-30-2005, 12:27 AM
void main ()
object oNPC= GetObjectByTag("my_npc_tag");
DuplicateHeadAppearance(oNPC, GetFirstPC());

I used it in the Cheesy Halloween pack mod (d3_surprise.nss) if you want to have a look:
12-30-2005, 1:12 AM
Hey D333, do ya think thats what the devs used during the Revelation cutscene on the temple summit? I've wondered how they did that.

Also is there a similar script functions to duplicate body appearance or full npc appearance. I know there is a script function to change a npc's appearance, just wonder if its possible to change just the body and leave the head intact.

Edit: Never mind I just checked NWscript it seems to be the only duplicate function.
12-30-2005, 1:24 AM
Yes, this is exactly what they use in the cutscene. The game checks if the pc is male or female to decide which body model to spawn and for the head it uses DuplicateHeadAppearance.
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