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installation language of TSL

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12-26-2005, 1:01 PM
Looks like there was no multilanguage installation planned for TSL.

I have a german version, it is good translated and is way easier to play for me as i don't have to translate the stuff *g*

But the bad part is that almost all user made mogs have english dialogs. Those show up as empty boces for me, or even worse causes my version to hang or to crash. So it would have been great if they had a multi language installer to install an english version to test the different mods (some of them sound really interesting).

Or is there any workaround to get the english dialogs to show up? Well would look strange to have german and english mixed up, but it would work *g*
I have seen some mods where it worked, and i had a german english mix. But on most other mods i just get the empty ingame workbench/computer screens.
Sometimes when the new dlg were added to NPCs the game may freeze or just crashes (was the case with the "remote tells influence" mod, everytime i clicked on the remote my game froze until i removed that mod)

Guess in the future i will try to get english versions... annoying but better for the modding community ;)
12-26-2005, 1:10 PM
Welcome to the Forums Sophylis! :waive1:

You could try using tk102's DLG/UTI/UTC Language Converter

This may help you (and your game) out.. hehehe..

Let us know your progress or if you need additional help :)

You can also read more about the program here:
12-26-2005, 1:20 PM
that was fast ;)

Thanks i will try this out
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