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Saber glow question

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12-23-2005, 12:18 PM
okay, i'm either blind or this question hasn't been asked; Is it possible to make the sabers glow brighter? You know, like the lights on the Endar Spire? I don't think it can be done by editing the .tga's of the colors, can it? I've tried before by making the cores larger but it didn't do anything to help.
 Emperor Devon
12-23-2005, 3:20 PM
You could try opening up the lightsaber blade color files, and using the brightness/darkness feature.
12-23-2005, 11:23 PM
"lightsaber blade color files?" if you mean the .tga files (w_lsabreblue01, etc.) and photoshop's Brightness/Contrast feature i've already tried that...
12-24-2005, 9:41 PM
okay, i'm either blind or this question hasn't been asked; Is it possible to make the sabers glow brighter? You know, like the lights on the Endar Spire? I don't think it can be done by editing the .tga's of the colors, can it? I've tried before by making the cores larger but it didn't do anything to help.
Open up your desired saber color(s) .tga... (the w_lsabreblue01, etc.) and you'll notice a small line of white in the center...

Adjust the color/hue/brightness to your desired taste. The more white in the center, the brighter the 'glow' you get...

I've done a few sabers where I'll put cross-hairs of white in the center to give it some oomph, just be careful... too much white and you start washing out the color... Many a red saber has become pink because I became over-zealous.. hehehe ;)

You can also make the radius of the glow larger, but again, too much and your saber blade will begin to bulge out from the center.

Another trick you can use with or without the white center trick, is too slighly over-saturate your blade color. This gets tricky as well though because you don't want to mess with the black area surrounding the color .tga (blade bulges). Tweaking the saturation with some extra white in the center can give you some pretty sweet effects..

It might take you a few tries to get it just right, but it should do the trick for ya' :)

Let us know how it turns out :D
 Det. Bart Lasiter
12-24-2005, 11:10 PM
Also, if you're talking about making the glow larger, it's not possible yet, because even if you fill the entire *.tga file with color, your saber will come out blocky and asterisk-shaped (*). I believe you'd have to edit one mesh or another in the saber's model to enlarge the glow itself.
 Post Monkeh
01-22-2006, 12:45 AM
sorry to up this slightly old thread, but i've spent a couple of hours searching and this was the closest thread i got to answering my question.

at the minute i'm just doing simple things, and i've got the hang of extracting and renaming all the files needed to make my own custom saber, as well as the double bladed/short counterparts, but i'm still not great at actually making the blade design.

i've downloaded a LOT of saber mods to compare, and i've noticed that most of the w_lghtsbre****01.tga files are pretty similar in their actual design (ie similar size core/glow, and the glow is a nice radial gradient that, try as i might, i just can't seem to replicate in photoshop.

i've tried various gradient settings, but try as i might, i just can't get the blade colours to look "right" in the game. the core is generally ok, but the glow is either too dim, or when i do get it to an intensity i like, it just looks fake and blocky

do the mod-freaks that create lightsabers galore have a specific gradient model that they use, just changing the basic colours to suit their requirements, or am i going about it from completely the wrong direction?

my teqnique thus far, for anyone interested in giving me a few pointers, has been to select the core/glow of an existing model, cut it and basically use it as a size templete fr my gradient, and create a new layer, into which i fill the circular selection with my gradient, normally a 100% opacity colour for my core, stopping the 100% at about 25% position along the gradient, then the glow colour (either the same as the core or different, neither still seem to come out quite right) which i start at 28% position so if i'm using 2 different colours they blend in together ever so slightly. the opacity of the glow i've tried changing from 25%-75%, i've also tried placing in some drops in the opacity as the gradient progresses, but i still can't get it quite right.

i'm waffling on a bit here, it's 5.45am and i'm slightly inebriated, if anyone can help it'd be a real bonus to a crappy day.

oh, just as well while i'm asking. is there any difference between using a transparent background or black background in terms of the way the blade turns out? i've noticed in the txi files that there's a minor difference between the text in there depending on whether or not there's a black background and was just wondering. i assume the end result is pretty much the same?

also, jmac7142 mentioned the blade turning out asterisk shaped, that's one of the major issues when i look at my blades in-game. the colours seem ok, but you can notice the edges of the asterisk too easily in comparison to other blades, which are only noticably several flat shapes melded together when you lok directly at the saber blade from the top. mine are usually noticable from any angle.
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