okay, here goes the answer to my post from blue myrriden himself:
Of course, that would be horrible if they couldn't -nt Mr.Fixit
#Posts: 14108 8/2 8:59am
my question:
Message for blue myrriden.... Lord JayVizIon
#Posts: 3 8/1 8:59pm
can air units attack other air units? there is a big argument going on right now on the forums in galacticbattles.com about this subject? please let me know so i can forward this answer to other people......
above and beyond the call of duty! :D
hey, i'm a lord sith, nothing is beyond the call of duty to me.....
my response to fixit's response is yes, that would be stupid of air units couldn't shoot down other air units.....if this doesn't change tie's feeling, i don't know what will
Sounds good to me...so go get the answer..... j/k ;)
"My lord, the answer is out of our range"
"Not for the sith, we shall find your lost....answer"
Sorry Lord Jay, you posted as I was posting, didn't catch it till after the fact. again sorry
Thank You :o
no sweat, but i want tieguy to see this. i should introduce him to starcraft sometime.......
errrey, i'm a battle droid. those doods can actually roll and transform just like they did in the movie.
they are in closed position when you're offline, and open when you're online.
handy bit to see where other players are.
Thanks Jay, i was hoping that would be the case, you just need someone to say what might happen. :D
Afterall, RA2's air units couldn't fight, but then again, only one side had air units. oh well
they are in closed position when you're offline, and open when you're online.
oh, i meant that my rank is a battle droid. hehe...
(**slaps forehead like Kvan did in other post**)
this is going to be a great time in these forums, i can tell..
I agree, but what makes you say that?
it's the little things.
the misunderstandings.. the new people.. the old people..
it's like settling yourself in a village and knowing you're going to be there a long, long time...
Wanted everyone to see Air units fight air units...
trust me, when i see those screenshots of air vs. air, i'll be one of the first ones to post it........
i'd like to see a screenshot from the hero-characters. how would Darth Vader look ? And Luke ? And 3PO ? etc.
Darth Vader on the battlefield would just be Insane! (in a good, crazy kinda way)
Can't wait to wreak the Havoc! ;)
how many HP would he have ? I would imagine he'd be the hardest unit of them all..
Yes, i'm sure most of the Heros will be quite formidable, except for the droids,