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12-12-2005, 8:29 PM
remote doesn't really get that ability to heal droids, does he? i was thinking i never actually saw him using it so i checked, and found nothing, then i checked the peragus healer drones, and found nothing :) now here somethings wrong, i just wanted to know if this's already taken care of. as i see it, it's no feature, no spell… must be hardcoded or something - or a script hidden whoknowswhere -_- please help! :)
12-12-2005, 8:54 PM
remote doesn't really get that ability to heal droids, does he? i was thinking i never actually saw him using it so i checked, and found nothing, then i checked the peragus healer drones, and found nothing :) now here somethings wrong, i just wanted to know if this's already taken care of. as i see it, it's no feature, no spell… must be hardcoded or something - or a script hidden

This is handled in the generic creature combat AI. There's a few specific AI settings which lets you designate a creature as a healer. Then they'll just tag along and heal any allies who get injured. It's no spell or feat, but a script which shoots a beam and applies a healing effect.
12-12-2005, 9:44 PM
found'em :) k_inc_generic.nss
so it's just an AI style change for Remote, but when? i checked baorem2.dlg (003EBO_dlg.erf), when he's supposed to gain the "ability", and there's no script there, none that could perform that ai style change (SetNPCAIStyle)
12-12-2005, 9:54 PM
Check k_oei_hench_inc.nss
12-12-2005, 10:12 PM
ok i found it. one last thing, i don't get how feats work, how are scripts linked to them, is it possible to create custom features without manual workaround?
12-12-2005, 10:21 PM
Unfortunately, feat effects are hardcoded :( (but not force powers)
12-12-2005, 10:26 PM
a pity
thanks for your help anyway :)
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