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Override Folders

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 Renegade Angel
12-10-2005, 9:08 AM
I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked yet, but can you make folders inside the override and then put the mod files in those? I'm having trouble keeping track of 500+ mods.
12-10-2005, 2:58 PM
For KotOR: no. For TSL: yes.

If you're having a hard time keeping track of mods, why not try KotOR Mod Manager. It takes about 30 seconds to learn how to use.
 Renegade Angel
12-10-2005, 3:28 PM
THANK THE LORD! Thanks Achilles, I already have KMM, and yet it's still ahrd with so amny frickin mods.

12-10-2005, 6:19 PM
Watch out: if you don't know what you<re doing, making subfolders can make mod conflicts harder to detect. Don't put .2da files in subfolders.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
12-10-2005, 9:42 PM
Also, the game only looks in one sub-directory, for example:

Game Directory:
----Sub-Folder (Contents Read)
------Contents Not Read
 Renegade Angel
12-10-2005, 9:51 PM
okay, I'll have to try it out.
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