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New Camera, without a camera

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12-09-2005, 3:10 PM
I couldn't really think of a useful name for this question so that will have to do. I was wondering (I'm feeling a massive "NO!" coming on) if it is possible to use a camera without a camera being there. I suppose I can more easily phrase this as: How do I go about controlling which angle is used in the dialogue without going through making new cameras as this is in an existing module and I don't want to change anything without it being absolutely necessary.
12-09-2005, 3:21 PM
You have to verify which cameras are available and where they are located. If there is no camera, you either have to edit the .git to add one or move your scene.

To find the cameras, you can use the script posted by xcom in this thread and attach it to my whereami armband:

Then you can use the SetDialogPlaceableCamera function and play with the angle.
12-09-2005, 6:19 PM
Well you see I don't want to have to edit the .git file as the module is within the game and for what I'm doing repackaging it all because I've changed the .git file would just be overkill (I think) But if you mean that I can edit a currently existing camera with no lasting ramifications on the game then thanks!
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