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Animations - plea for help

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12-09-2005, 1:38 PM
Iv noticed that for this robe:

the animation of hood in the back of the man is bugged, when hes standing and breathing. For the most ppl this isnt probably an issue, but i founded this to be quite irritating for me. My idea is, to "deanimate" this hood (only for this one animation of course) to make it compleatly static and fixed in one position (relative to the rest of the model). But the problem is that im compleatly green with 3dmax, :( . Will someone be so nice and give me few advices (if this what i intend to do is possible at all :roll:) ?
 Darth InSidious
12-09-2005, 1:54 PM
You can't. Not yet, anyway. You're stuck with the bugged animation for now.
12-09-2005, 4:29 PM
:rolleyes: Yes he or she can,

Just remove the flex mesh from the hoods modifier stack and recompile if that’s what floats your boat.

If flex is not present in the modifier stack you could try using Attach on the hood to the body in editable mesh then it will more or less adopt the weights of the surrounding verts.

It’s been awhile since I played k1 but I’m sure I noticed flex on the hood of the starforge robes when juhani was wearing them, technically she qualifies as a female, revan's is just a different skin using the same model.

Go to the modeling forum read the thread on successful skin mesh editing

It’s not bugged it’s called flex mesh like the long hair models and jolee's hood, it moves on it’s own free will within certain parameters. Running or walking will make it move more. In some cases wind if there is any will make it move around a bit as well. Because there is no collision mesh like in reactor we can’t stop it, even the breathing animation can cause it to move, anyways why bother it’s more realistic to have it move slightly while breathing then have a block of cement for a hood …

12-09-2005, 4:40 PM
Im quite sure thats a bug. Thats what im talking about apperars ONLY in MALE model of this robe, and ONLY when guy is standing like on this picture. See it Yourself - run game, put on this robe on and watch carefully on the hood from side and back, Youll see what im talking about. But if You both say thats not fixable thats not really matters :(.
12-09-2005, 5:53 PM
I think that i founded other solution. Can sombody tell me how i can exchenge animation sequences (to make force lightning looks like choking for instance). Iv experimented a little with "animations.2da" but with no luck :/.

And BTW - SF robes got 2 diffrent models, 1 for each sex.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
12-09-2005, 6:23 PM
The force powers are handled by scripting, so you'd have to edit 'k_inc_force.nss' to change their visual effects.
12-09-2005, 6:50 PM
OK, mabe it will be better if i explain what precisly i have in mind:
Iv noticed that this animation:
Which is very similar, but working fine, could easly replace the bugged, defalut one. If i only knew how to do it...
12-11-2005, 9:01 AM
It works ! It works. I simply have to delete "aurora flex" from modifications list. Thanks Svosh, Youre great man !
 Darth InSidious
12-11-2005, 2:42 PM
:rolleyes: Yes he or she can,

Just remove the flex mesh from the hoods modifier stack and recompile if that’s what floats your boat.

If flex is not present in the modifier stack you could try using Attach on the hood to the body in editable mesh then it will more or less adopt the weights of the surrounding verts.

It’s been awhile since I played k1 but I’m sure I noticed flex on the hood of the starforge robes when juhani was wearing them, technically she qualifies as a female, revan's is just a different skin using the same model.

Go to the modeling forum read the thread on successful skin mesh editing

It’s not bugged it’s called flex mesh like the long hair models and jolee's hood, it moves on it’s own free will within certain parameters. Running or walking will make it move more. In some cases wind if there is any will make it move around a bit as well. Because there is no collision mesh like in reactor we can’t stop it, even the breathing animation can cause it to move, anyways why bother it’s more realistic to have it move slightly while breathing then have a block of cement for a hood …


My bad! Sorry, Czulu!
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