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Music Tutorial help plz

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 Dark Wizard
12-07-2005, 7:00 PM
ok I read the tutorial on how to impliment custom music tracks into the game....the thing is i dont understand it at all.

I am very new to modding and basically I want this:

I want my custom track to be played continulously throughout the star forge (except cut-scenes).

If Possible I don't want a battle track but instead have the song just continue when you fight someone.

The problem is that in the tutorial it says something about scripting....and i dont understand. I looked for a file that has the music assigned to the star forge...but i cant find it.

I also adjusted the ambientmusic.2d file so that the number assigned to the star forge music/ battle music for Malak is assigned instead to my song....but that didnt work because whenever i fight malak i get no battle music.

What Im asking is that if someone could find the time and go step by step with me in order to impliment my song...i apologize because there is a tutroail but i really need help and ive been trying to do this off and on for 2 weeks now and i just cant get it...

thanks to anyone who helps me out
12-07-2005, 7:08 PM
If it's a simple music replacement for your own use, just take your music file, make sure it's in mp3 format and rename it the same as the track for the battle with Malak and drop it in your streamusic folder. If it doesn't play then, there is a problem with the format.
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