when I first played Kotor, all the surroundings blurred when I used "Speed Burst", but I had to uninstall and then re-install the game. After a while it stopped doing it.
anyone know why?
its a special effect used in the game. the only reason i can think of as to why it would stop would be if the 36 seconds of the power ran out or if your graphics card quit rendering the effect.
no, what I meant but forgot to put was. it doesn't do it anymore
well, i can't really tell you unless i have some more info. have you messed with the graphics options??
It seems kind of obvious but I thought I would post: Have you got Frame Buffer Effects turned on? If not then that is why you can't see it.
I dunno, I'll have to check when i get home from college. If it works I'll tell ASAP.
I agree with Pavlos.If you have the Buffer Effects turned on you will find that the surroundings blurred when Speed Burst being used.
hi guys,
can't turn the "frame buffer" on, I dunno why but I've also got same thing with TSL. cuz well I bought that a week ago.
would I be able to turn it on via the "swkotor.ini" and "swkotor2.ini" files?
its probably related to the type of video card you have installed on your computer. obviously, i can't really say much more than that unless you post your specs. ;)