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Module weirdness

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12-04-2005, 7:30 AM
I am making a recruit mod in the second lower city apartments (with Calo Nord) for k1. After I go in the first time and have seen the cutscene, gone and recruited the character and saved the game, I left to fix some dialog. When I loaded from the save point however, the module had reverted to the first time you entered. I was half way round the corridor and had my recruit in the party, but calo was back, the character i had recruited was back the door i had opened was closed etc. etc. The point is, i have absolutely no idea what i have done wrong, and how to fix it.

So here is the question: how do i make the game load the module with the changes that have occured since i first entered it.
12-04-2005, 10:03 AM
Use a global variable to keep track of your plot.

Per example, you could do something like this:
when you recruit your npc, add a line like this to your recruit script:

SetGlobalNumber("End_TraskTalk", 2);

Note that End_TraskTalk, is a global from the endar spire that is no longer in use by the game. You can also create your but you'll have to edit globalcat.2da (which creates mod conflicts - you may as well look for another no longer in use variable than End_TraskTalk as I am using this one in a few of my mods already :D make sure that it is no longer in use by the game or you could screw up other plots.).

Then , in the spawn script, check the state of your plot like this:

if (GetGlobalNumber("End_TraskTalk") < 2)
//spawn my npc

This will make your npc spawn only if the global number has been set to a value lower than 2.
12-04-2005, 2:30 PM
I am making a recruit mod in the second lower city apartments (with Calo Nord) for k1. After I go in the first time and have seen the cutscene, gone and recruited the character and saved the game, I left to fix some dialog. When I loaded from the save point however, the module had reverted to the first time you entered. (snip)

Have you placed the .GIT file for the area in your override folder? If so, this is probably the cause of your problem. Things placed in override has higher priority than the data found in other data files with the same resref, including savegames.

Thus, if you put a GIT file in override, it will override the area GIT file stored in the savegame, and the state of the dynamic objects in the area will be frozen at the state found in the GIT in override, since the saved data is never used.
12-04-2005, 4:16 PM
that was the first thing i thought of stoffe. I first tried it in the modules folder but that didn't work, so i moved it to overide and it semi did. So where is it supposed to go?
12-05-2005, 2:23 AM
You don't edit a .git file or make a module to add an NPC to recruit, you have to script the NPC to spawn there... the best point would be to attach a script spawn your NPC to the Calo Nord cutscene when you first enter the level. All cutscenens are basically dialogs, so you should be able to insert a script call in one of them. ;)

Just my 2 cents! :D
12-05-2005, 11:09 AM
oh ic, you edited the .git. As redhawke mentioned, this is way overkill to add an npc to a module. Simply use a script to spawn the npc as mentioned in the tutorial on how to recruit npcs, which you can attach to the Calo Nord dialogue or anywhere else suitable.

If you want your npc to spawn when the module is loaded or in a different module, check this tutorial: . Set a global as indicated in my post above or your npc will respawn at the same location each time you load the module.
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