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Death Star tunnel run

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05-02-2000, 12:27 PM
1 : How do you get pass the containers without crashing into them when you exit the accelerator.
2 : How do you stop everything (wingman + ties) from crashing into you when you slow down in front of them.

Notice that the 2nd question is an extension of the 1st. Because everytime I exit the container accelerator and scrap across 1 such container, everything behind crashed into me and... . thankz

The force is with you all, always
 Gold leader
05-02-2000, 12:35 PM
1) Try setting your throttle to 0% before you enter the accelerator
2) Ties: Shoot them down with autofire (f-key)
Wingmen: don't fly slower than 60 MGLTS

Among the older topics there's an excellent walkthrough for the Tunnel Run. Be sure to read that one.
05-02-2000, 1:17 PM
Well if you do time it correctly, Dont get too close to the one in front, and not too far back that you get smashed by the one behind you, you should be jsut fine when you get boosted. Aslo as long as you stay in the center (keep your hands off the joystick) you will also be stopped by the accelerator rings. Never let your speed go Below 34 MGLT of Wedge will run into. The only advatage in having Wedge behind you, is that he soaks up all the damage from the TIE/INT so YOU dont take damage. But when you get into a big room (Z-G trooper room, and the S-laser lens room) you have the oportunity to get rid of some of those nasty TIEs. ALlways use the Auto-fire option to take them out tho.
05-02-2000, 7:45 PM
Personally as soon as I get clear of that tunnel, I loop around and blast those TIES. Especially considering that they usually get ahead of Wedge at that point and if I ignore them they start to fire at me (what are they, blind? Don't they see those two turrets on the Falcon pointing at them

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05-03-2000, 12:01 AM
Thankz again
let's take out that star destroyer. Lining up for attack run
05-03-2000, 12:01 AM
Thankz again
let's take out that star destroyer. Lining up for attack run
05-03-2000, 8:18 AM
I'm going to transfer this tread to a more appropriate section, i.e. to Player Strategy section

As for Moonstar's Death Star Tunnel Run , it's not accesible any more. I'll try to find a copy and post it again.

The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7
05-03-2000, 2:33 PM
As stated before, if you get caught in the accelerator, hop into the gunner seat for a couple of seconds and you'll free right up.

Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.
05-03-2000, 2:34 PM
As stated before, if you get caught in the accelerator, hop into the gunner seat for a couple of seconds and you'll free right up.

Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.
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