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Ryyk Blade port for SW:KotOR is available

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11-26-2005, 8:49 PM
...from PCGameMods

Linkie (

Here's the readme (screenies are posted at PCGMs):

Title: Ryyk Blade Mod for Knights of the Old Republic


Released: 11/26/05


Author: Achilles


Table of Contents:

PART I - Introduction (prt1)
PART II - File Contents (prt2)
PART III - Compatibility with Other Mods (prt3)
PART IV - In-Game Item Contents (prt4)
PART V - Install/Uninstall Instructions (prt5)
PART VI - Acquiring the Items in Game (prt6)
PART VII - Known Issues, Troubleshooting and Bug Reporting (prt7)
PART VIII - Special Thanks (prt8)


PART I: Introduction (prt1)

I finally got around to playing the original KotOR again. Amongst the many things that I missed from SW:KotOR-TSL were the Ryyk Blades (specifically the model that I made for Hanharr). The obvious next step was a SW:KotOR port.


PART II: File Contents (prt2)

This modification pack contains:

baseitems.2da - Line 92 has been added to give the Ryyk Blade its own base item properties

g_w_ryykblade01.uti - Item file.

w_ryyk001.tga - Texture file.

w_ryyk001_.tga - GUI texture file.

w_ryykblade_001.mdl/mdx - Model files.


PART III: Compatibility with Other Mods (prt3)

There are no known compatibility issues. Any mod utilizing any of the files listed above may cause conflicts.


PART IV: In-Game Item Contents (prt4)

*Ryyk Blade*

Feat Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons, Wookie Toughness

Damage: Physical, 3_12
Critical Threat: 20-20, x2

The ryyk blade is the traditional Wookie hunting weapon. Brutally efficient in combat, these edged weapons are usually weilded in pairs.


PART V: Install/Uninstall Instructions (prt5)

To Install:

1. Create an Override folder within your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR directory, if you do not have one already.

2. Copy contents of this download to that folder.

To Uninstall:

1. Remove the files from your Override folder


PART VI: Acquiring the Items in Game (prt6)

At this time, this weapon can only be aquired via cheatcode (g_w_ryykblade01) and KSE. I plan to release a future mod that will place the item in game.


PART VII: Known Issues and Bug Reporting (prt7)

There are no known issues with this mod.

*** If you discover any bugs, please report them to me by private message at the Holowan Labratory Forum
( or by posting in the mod’s announcement thread.


PART VIII: Special Thanks (prt8)

Thanks to Svosh and T7nowhere for their help with the original model as well as to CChargin and Fred Tetra for creating the tools that made this mod possible.

11-26-2005, 9:25 PM
Very nice model Achilles :cool:

/me downloads.

I will let you know what I think of it once I get Kotor up and running :)
11-28-2005, 4:17 PM
Hey, you broke rule 14. :p

Nice model. :)
11-28-2005, 10:51 PM
:mad: Shouldn't you be modelling blaster rifles or something? :xp:

EDIT: I knew you were joking ;)
11-28-2005, 11:04 PM
Hey, you broke rule 14. :p Everyone is allowed to port their own custom models into the game: this is not the original game model ;)

Cool mod Achilles. Another weapon fit for a wookie :D
11-28-2005, 11:46 PM
My Zallbar will be really happy now! With the new toys for him! :xp:

Nice work Achilles! :thumbsup:
11-29-2005, 2:49 PM
Everyone is allowed to port their own custom models into the game: this is not the original game model ;)

Hence why I said I was kidding. :p

And.... Maybe I am modelling blasters... :D
11-29-2005, 6:25 PM
Excellent! Loved this mod for TSL, and I will use it even more in K1 because I use Zaalbar much more than Hanhaar. :)
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