Ok I fully admit I'm a colossal idiot. I tried to install defender's wrist console 1.6 for TSL and when I went to start the program it came up that the entire program wasn't installed properly. So I deleted everthing from the hard drive to re-install the program then mod it again. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment because now the computer doesn't read the play disc. Its no my CD ROM because my other disc programs are fine. What on earth did I do???
The computer not being able to read the play disc has nothing to do with a mod. It's either your disc or cd drive.
BTW, if you ever happen to install a mod incorrectly, you simply have to delete the files from your override folder. You don't need to reinstall the game.
Thanks! I've seen you around pcgamods.com you should really put up some some more screeshots of your stuff. I can't never decide what I want unless I know what I'm getting. I wish I could make cool stuff too.