I always suspected he was a spy.
alliespixie grabbed out a gernade launcher and aimed it at cs.alliespixie:goodbye.
Freeze, or the shopowner from the cut episode 27 of Pokemon gets it!
I don't care about him, shoot him for all I care.
sweet. alliespixie shoot the gernade launcher.
*it's not a grenade launcher, it's apple pie*
Because pie is delicious.
i'm sure you'll love to wear it. alliespixie smashed the pie into cs's face.
That wasn't me, that was Darth! Arrrgh!!!
Yo Smon, how was your b-day?
Pretty good, not much of a celebration but all about the gifts.
Mario Kart DS
Advance Wars:DS
City of Villains
Megaman Anniversary Collection
Crazy Taxi
How is Crazy Taxi? I've thought about buying it, but the lack of multiplayer made me hesitate.
Your avatar is making my dizzy. It's going round and round and round... @@
When shall it stop? Nobody knows.
How is Crazy Taxi? I've thought about buying it, but the lack of multiplayer made me hesitate.
Pretty damn fun. Simple, but fun. I recommend just renting it.
Yo Smon, you ever watch SNL?
There are a bunch of monkeys spinning the chain. You just can't see them because they're above the screen. >_>
NO! Encourage the monkeys and you'll catch shinzuku syndrome. Oh my... You spin me right round, baby right round.
i think it's cute. besides my sister spins around a lot so i'm used to it.
yeap, but i hate the fact my sister runs into walls.
Well then. I guess you'll have to give her a lobotomy, eh?
Of course, the government doesn't support frivolous lobotomies.
Which brings us back to our original point of discussion.
What's your political agenda?
"Your", refering to anyone who happens to read the statement.
I'm a republican, a hot one at that.
nice to know. why are we talking government when we aren't even old enough to vote?
well couldn't we debate on which user is ffrom where ro something.. this thread is turning into my us history class.
What do you all think? Should I shorten my username to "Skye"? I need input before I do it.
skye, then i can't call you cs.
She'd have to call you s. That's lame.
i can think of a million things that may stand for that s besides skye.
Yea, but think of how "short and sweet" it would be. "Skye".
I was considering "Mr. Skye", but that's a bit too similar to when I had my name "C. Skye" for a while.
i am thinking that skye may be good for you.
Wow, this thread is awesome.
Because I say so!
And I'd like to say my vision on politics depends on the situation, but I can't.
But lying is for weenies!
Very liberal, very democrat. The whole 'pro-choice' shibang.
I think Bush is... interesting, but he makes me sad sometimes. I question his ability to read.
that's why i'm undecided.
that's why i'm undecided.
How does that make you undecided?
because i'm not sure if bush is up to the job and i don't know who will run against him.
Wow, this thread is awesome.
Because I say so!
And I'd like to say my vision on politics depends on the situation, but I can't.
But lying is for weenies!
Very liberal, very democrat. The whole 'pro-choice' shibang.
I think Bush is... interesting, but he makes me sad sometimes. I question his ability to read.
My gosh, squid you've returned! The wish on the great pumpkin came true!!
My gosh, squid you've returned! The wish on the great pumpkin came true!!
Well, I kind of came back to say that I was leaving. But I'll hang for today.
Because it's Thanksgiving!
I'm such a totally kewl anarchist that I fell asleep in the voting booth.
cheez, i'll make sure not to count your vote for the darth election.