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XWA crashes while loading mission

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05-16-2001, 1:02 AM
Dear All,

The first installation 1 year ago of XWA was perfect and nothing wrong. Recently I reinstalled it, and I keep having this problem.

If I went straight to mission breafing, and then click start mission, I would be either kicked out to desktop or system got frozen deadly. If I went to combat simulation first, the training mission loading will be fine, and then i could come back to real mission and load it without problem.

The worst thing is that now I can't even start anything whether it's simulation or real mission. It will just freeze or kick me out during loading. : <

Any hints?


07-15-2002, 4:22 AM
i never played it before but this is exactly what mine does, if you found a fix or if anyone knows, please help us poor XWA-deprived gamers:jawa
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