In a space battle, how do you land into a Star Destroyer after you choose to be a Rebel Marine and jumping into a Space Transport?
Where do you go? What button do you push? Do you have to blow something up before you can land?
Oh my god ^Ultimate n00b^.
It's obvious where you go, the hangar has a huge white border around it, read the damn manual to find out the button, and no nothing to blow up.
If you're really having trouble finding how to land on the other ship, than just fly out of yours, fly straight away a distance, then turn around, to see what a hangar looks like from the outside. The one on the other ship will look pretty much the same. A giant white rectangle that ships are flying out of.
Just fly into theirs and land.
I'm assuming that you know how to take off and get out of your own hangar, which might not be a good idea.