This is the mail I sent to XWA Upgrade Team, unforunately I didn't recieve any reply, so I am sending it here. I hope I'll get some inteligent answer, from you mighty starfighters.
Sorry for not rewritting my mail.
Hello X-Wing upgrade team, you made really excelent work, but I wont waste your time any further and I'll proceed to my question. I just upgraded my XWA v2.02 applying your patch. Everthing works nicely, but when I look at the list of models to see info they look just like on your pictures. Problem occured when I started game to see the models in action. When I fly near the ship there's no pilot in the cockpit, no windows, just nothing. I mean that the cabin looks like it loked in original version. Yes it's not the same cabin when talking about the shape, but things metioned above are missing. It's major for all the ships, your team remade. Another strange thing is that when I look, when playing, at jets(turbins) of X-Wing. They are not as nice as they look on your page and in the info section of the game. They're as crude as the were originally. Info section - I mean these rotating models in the holo.
Thanks for yor time spent by reading, and I hope replying on this mail.
With best wishes to your work. Mike Rivers