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Whispering Rock Fansite..For Sale?

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10-31-2005, 9:03 PM
let sandy do avatars, I'll take care of screenshots, concept art, ect. just not memory vaults, I don't have psychonauts explorer or however those things are aquired.

That may be a can both do them.

Sandy, those are awesomne

I would like to upload the main stuff before we get into trailers and such. I don't want to eat up all the bandwith.
10-31-2005, 9:05 PM
Ok, but they'll really suck compared to hers.
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 9:08 PM
Hey, I'll eat bandwidth for free.

Mmm, domain.
10-31-2005, 9:09 PM
Purple Squid, Captain is staring at me. I think he wants to hit me.
10-31-2005, 10:41 PM
I have all the memory vaults, and all the sound clips available, I can zip them and send them to whoever's in charge of those, just drop me an email if you need me.
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 10:43 PM
1. Thank you so very, very, very much, juno. You've helped so much. Exdee.

2. Darth, Captain eats space-soup. Best kind.
10-31-2005, 10:44 PM
Wow Juno, I'm a big fan of the site. I wish I could start my own psychonauts site, but I can't. No time, much too much posting on here.
10-31-2005, 10:45 PM
2. Darth, Captain eats space-soup. Best kind.
Mmmmm....interglactic side dishes that can also be a main course.
10-31-2005, 10:49 PM
Wow Juno, I'm a big fan of the site. I wish I could start my own psychonauts site, but I can't. No time, much too much posting on here.
Heheh, thank you! Sorry I never got much of the content I planned on up...I'm glad you guys are helping take over.

Oh and I couldn't tell...your post count is only like, ginormous. :B

Man last time I was on this board, it would literally go several days with no new posts, this is nuts how often it's updated now, it's actually really cool. Nice to see some people are recognizing Psychonauts now. ^^
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 10:51 PM
Heheh, thank you! Sorry I never got much of the content I planned on up...I'm glad you guys are helping take over.

Oh and I couldn't tell...your post count is only like, ginormous. :B

Man last time I was on this board, it would literally go several days with no new posts, this is nuts how often it's updated now, it's actually really cool. Nice to see some people are recognizing Psychonauts now. ^^

I think it's the members... we're just more interesting. :3

And we just love it so much, we can't leave the other people who love it. Explaining my insanely stupid post count.

And we have a lot to talk about. Like your website, which is going to be 'da bomb' to work on.
10-31-2005, 10:52 PM
Wow, I used some of your renders and concept on a windows movie maker thing I did. I shoulda' put your site in the credits. If you'd like to join out socitey of proud psychonauts, you're always welcome. and let us tell you of all our previous adventures on these boards Junolover, for you are one of us, ONE OF US, ONE OF US!!
10-31-2005, 11:03 PM
Whoo, I feel special now. 8D

Heheh, the board actually didn't have much going on back then...just a lot of threads about how to get through a part of the game, or our big "post when you received your copy of Psychonauts!" thread. Oooooh so exciting. ^^

Oh and no big deal on giving credit, I just took screenshots from the game and DVD, and a lot of the renders are from other sources. It's not like I own them, I just took the time to compile them together. ^^
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:03 PM
I'm still upset I got here after that thread died.

10-31-2005, 11:04 PM
Hah, I don't recall if I ever posted in it, to be honest.

I got my signed PC version fairly late compared to some.
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:06 PM
I just got mine fairly late in general. Took me forever to get 50 bones.
10-31-2005, 11:10 PM
I hadn't even heard of the game until a month or so before its release, and I hadn't been looking at actually purchasing it until I downloaded the demo and experienced the most fun in platform gaming I'd had in quite a while. In fact, it wasn't even really was puzzle, adventure, everything mixed in one.

The game just has so much balance between different mediums; it's so innovative. I still don't know why it hasn't been more successful. Oh wait, I do: because it's not a sequel to an already overrun title. :0
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:12 PM
Because it isn't a FF game.


And there's no blood/explosions/mindless guns.
10-31-2005, 11:19 PM
WHOA. Amazing concept, isn't it?

It's terribly sad. I ranted on the subject in my DA journal at one point, the entry's old but it's there somewhere.

Games like Psychonauts end up being amazing yet they fail financially, which stifles any possiblity of a sequel. Which in a way isn't a terrible thing though either, we wouldn't want Psychonauts to be the next FF or Pokemon either. Tim Schaffer's going to go on making games I'm sure, and the next one will be as cool as Psychonauts or better, and it will be an entirely new concept.

I have a ton of series that I really like, but it's the folks who push a different concept to an entirely new level that really amaze me.
10-31-2005, 11:21 PM
yes, and Psychonauts is actually IMAGINATIVE. Unlike some games.
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:23 PM
I enjoy imagination. It makes me think humans can do more than what is expected.

It's in your LJ? I shall make it a point to go look.
10-31-2005, 11:27 PM
DA journal actually, just found it:

And yes, I mention that I like Halo 2, which is true (I know a lot of gamers hate Halo 2, but I'm actually a big fan of the game, though I think Combat Evolved is more fun).

Anyway, it's a ton of me going all hysteric over the gaming industry. Whee.
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:31 PM
Oh, if only I had the patience to rant.

I think I'll make time especially for that, later in life. We're a very passionate group of people, no?
10-31-2005, 11:34 PM
For me it's a matter of NEEDING to rant when I feel like it. It all pours out of me in a matter of minutes sometimes. You could say I have a talent for a completely useless asset. XD

Yeah I suppose we are, a lot of people don't take games seriously, but you know, for me it's a lot more than just a fun pasttime. It's a passion.

Oh wow, I just realized what a geek I am. *wears her geekiness proudly*
 Purple Squid
10-31-2005, 11:36 PM
We've all done the passion thing. We still are.

Hell, I've had rant withdrawls at school because nobody knows what I'm talking about.

And that's why we're here. To talk to Psychonaut people. We make theories, we draw crap, we write for it, we e-mail the crew.

Just so many hi-jinks.
11-01-2005, 9:13 AM
Why'd I go to bed? I missed the presence of the Miss Junoluver. ::sad::

Thank you for letting us continue Whispering Rock! We'll try to keep in fantabulous. :D
11-01-2005, 2:21 PM
I have all the memory vaults, and all the sound clips available, I can zip them and send them to whoever's in charge of those, just drop me an email if you need me.

Did anyone actually get these files? If not just send them to me at I'll e-mail juno if no one has.
11-01-2005, 4:40 PM
Cara contacted me, but so far my Gmail account refuses to send anything.

If I can't get it to send at some point soon, I'll just upload the zip somewhere and send it that way. Or separate it into several folders; my Yahoo account can't send it all at once.
11-01-2005, 5:32 PM
try my email: i will email if i get it.
11-01-2005, 7:23 PM
Alright. My computer can probably digest it better if it was in seperate folders anyway.

More walkthrough crap you won't read but I put here to keep this thread alive. Yet again format is a little skewed.

II. Badges

A. Mental Magnet
Location: Camp Store
Purpose: Collects Boosts.

B. Oarsmanship
Location: Lake Oblongata
Purpose: To gain access to the boats

C. Basic Braining
Location: Coach Oleander’s Basic Braining
Purpose: To gain passage to camp.

III. Real World Items

A. Cobweb Duster
Location: Camp Store
Purpose: To gather Cobwebs and trade them in for psychic cards

B. Smelling Salts
Location: Whispering Rock Tree house
Purpose: To Exit Mental Realms

C. Bacon
Location: Ford’s Secret Lab
Purpose: To call Cruller for help/tips.

D. Crow Feather
Location: Crow
Purpose: To look through the eyes of a crow/tickle people

E. Dowsing Rod
Location: Camp Store
Purpose: Collect Deep Arrowheads, which are worth more than regular arrowheads

F. Lili’s Bracelet
Location: Lili
Purpose: To see a secret cutscene by wearing it and looking through the eyes of a crow

G. Dream Fluff
Location: Camp Store
Purpose: To revive Raz/heal Raz

H. Psycho-portal
Purpose: To enter mental realms
Location: Sasha’s Underground Lair

I. Lungfish Call
Purpose: To call upon the lungfish to travel across Lake Oblongata
Location: Linda

J. Loboto’s Portrait
Purpose: To get past Crispin
Location: Edgar

K. Straitjacket
Purpose: To get past Crispin
Location: Fred

L. Gloria’s Trophy
Purpose: To get past Crispin
Location: Gloria
11-01-2005, 8:28 PM
Cara, your inbox should now be flooded with 4 zipped folders filled with about 29 meg of memory vaults from the Most Excellent Game Psychonauts.

Let me know if you didn't get 'em.
11-01-2005, 9:12 PM
I saw your post (above) and I was like, yay, go check!

By the state of my Send/Receive dialog box, I'd say you were successful. :D Sweetness! It feels like Christmas.
11-02-2005, 5:07 PM
you guys can send me all the fan stuff {stories mainly] and i will read through and give each one a rate. i will make sure to be nice i sware
11-04-2005, 7:25 AM
Alright. Cara, you're one of the coders right? Can you explain to me how you upload new content? If a password is involved just PM.
11-04-2005, 5:04 PM
Is there anything I can do to help? I have no idea what, though. I can't code or anything.
11-04-2005, 5:08 PM
Klia has been PMed.

As for you, Miss Shinzuku! ::evil grin::

I dunno. You'd have to ask Klia. Though, even if you aren't "on staff" persay, donations of fanart and the like is just as important as coding the site. For what's a site without fans?

I'd be willing to bet we won't know what we'll need until the uploading and site renovations has been put in motion. But... I'm really bad at gambling. So, again, I point you to Miss Klia's door.
11-04-2005, 5:44 PM
#186 doesn't say I have a PM in my box. Could you possibly send it again?
11-04-2005, 5:48 PM
Shoot. Well, it's been sent. I think the problem was that I forgot to provide a recipient. Luckily, I had it saved. Yay! It's long---my apologies.
11-04-2005, 5:51 PM
junoluver, were you able to send any one any files yet?
11-04-2005, 5:52 PM
She's sent me some files and I think Klia might have gotten some.

11-04-2005, 5:53 PM
because i havent gotten any.
11-04-2005, 5:56 PM
And, er, why would you get any? *confused*
11-04-2005, 5:58 PM
because i said i would help when the thread was new.
11-04-2005, 6:00 PM
And what "job" were you given? Or did you have one in mind? The only need for files would be if you were going to be uploading something or in charge of a section of the site.
11-04-2005, 6:45 PM
i guess i was supposed to rate all the stories from the fans but i dont know who was to give me the sites.
11-04-2005, 6:53 PM
you guys can send me all the fan stuff {stories mainly] and i will read through and give each one a rate. i will make sure to be nice i sware

Oh! Hehe. I've found out what you're talking about, Miss Alliespixie.

Well, first of all, we don't have any fanfiction for you to rate. Plus, I think someone else is in charge of formatting fanfiction, so you'd have to find out who that is and ask her. But but but we don't have final plans for who's doing what so ...

Basically, everything is still in tentative stages and it's too early to say whether you'd be able to do that or not. Even so, I don't have any fanfiction files for you and I almost sure we don't have fanfiction ready period.
11-04-2005, 6:55 PM
ohh that is okay i was just wondering.
11-05-2005, 11:17 AM
Questions. Who wants to be in charge of:


Or you can take care of subsections.

Check out the sections you want to do.

I can also have someone take care of general updating as in Links, and Main
11-05-2005, 11:28 AM
Can I be of any help?
11-05-2005, 11:30 AM
which one would i fit under.
11-05-2005, 11:35 AM
Choose guys. Choose which area of the site you want to work on.
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