will capital ships be able to take out smaller strike craft because i have watched the videos and they never fight back. Anyone know
They could in the movies it'd be dumb not to have them in game
Of course they can shoot back at fighters. They won't be very effective at pushing back a fighter strike but they certainly can put up a good fight.
Because they will use turrets on the capitals instead of "fixed weapons it will be an extream error on the Devs part if they cant.
I seriously hope it's not like Homeworld 2 where my battlecruiser couldn't take out a squad of bombers. I had to make a fighter squadron to kill them. Capital ships shouldn't be overpowered against starfighters, but they also shouldn't be unable to take them out without fighter backup.
In one Movie, "Star_Wars_Empire_at_War.mov" a Mon Calamari attacked Tieґs
(its the movie with the Stardestroyer at the beginning, about 28megs) so they can.
ok thanks for telling me i heard from someone that you couldnt