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 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 12:18 PM
...MultiP has been on the boards for a while.
10-21-2005, 12:21 PM
Wel dern he don't post barely anything (not an insult) @ my rate you would probably have like 400 today that's what I'ma do and what'd I tell you 100 every day.
10-21-2005, 12:22 PM
Wel dern he don't post barely anything (not an insult) @ my rate you would probably have like 400 today that's what I'ma do and what'd I tell you 100 every day.
double negative...


Vocabulor away!
10-21-2005, 12:24 PM
10-21-2005, 12:25 PM
"Don't post barely anything" Is a double negative meaning he posts anything quite often.


Vocabulor away!
10-21-2005, 12:28 PM
Respek Knuckles!!!
10-21-2005, 12:29 PM
10-21-2005, 12:31 PM
RESPEK KNUCKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-21-2005, 12:37 PM
Is THIS what was happening while I was away!?

I am ashamed! D:
10-21-2005, 12:43 PM
Don't feel bad young one it happens every day here @ Purple Squid's (and Friends) Domain! PM if you wanna explanation.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 1:16 PM
Is THIS what was happening while I was away!?

I am ashamed! D:

...Yeah. Part of my sould just died.

This doesn't happen every day.
10-21-2005, 1:37 PM
Well then I'm wrong. So still PM me if you want an explanation. Have a nice day @ Darth's boards of wisdom and Smon's board of grammar and Klia's board of awesomeness and my boad of... wait I don't have one yet not 'till post 1000 which is coming soon to a theatre near you. And that was on topic I told about myself.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 1:42 PM
Well then I'm wrong. So still PM me if you want an explanation. Have a nice day @ Darth's boards of wisdom and Smon's board of grammar and Klia's board of awesomeness and my boad of... wait I don't have one yet not 'till post 1000 which is coming soon to a theatre near you. And that was on topic I told about myself.

Well, I'm actually pretty sure the superbestfriends are closed for membership. We can only have so many people on a jury, you know. Also, to be more on topic...

Why don't the brave ones here post photos of themselves?
10-21-2005, 2:05 PM
Because I'd set your screen on fire I'm so hawt!!!!!
10-21-2005, 3:20 PM
Why don't the brave ones here post photos of themselves?

I would, but I'm afraid I might accidentally turn you all to stone. Or break my camera.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 3:21 PM
I would, but I'm afraid I might accidentally turn you all to stone. Or break my camera.

Awww. Well, I'm not stopping cars with my mug either.

...Or I have, and that's why I look like this. Hmmm.
10-21-2005, 3:52 PM
I found this sitting in my photobucket account. I forgot this was there.
10-21-2005, 3:55 PM
Yes, we superfriends have many places, but none left.

Klia and Smon are our superbestfriends at over 1000 post.
I am a superduperbestfriend at over 2000 post
and our leader, Purple Squid, is a superduperultramegabestfriend at over 4000 post.
10-21-2005, 4:23 PM
Well, I'm actually pretty sure the superbestfriends are closed for membership. We can only have so many people on a jury, you know. Also, to be more on topic...

Why don't the brave ones here post photos of themselves?

The SuperBestFriends are composed of my brain tissue.


Boyd, Gloria, Edgar, and Fred. Crispin and Loboto are super but they aren't with the best friends.

Since when have people been in it?
10-21-2005, 4:24 PM
Yes, we superfriends have many places, but none left.

Klia and Smon are our superbestfriends at over 1000 post.
I am a superduperbestfriend at over 2000 post
and our leader, Purple Squid, is a superduperultramegabestfriend at over 4000 post.

Ohh you are talking about the superbestfriends. Not the SuperBestFriends. Gotchya'
10-21-2005, 5:03 PM
I will soon be a superbestfriend at 1000 posts.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:09 PM
No. The superBESTfriends decide.

And it's just a game.
10-21-2005, 5:11 PM
Aw, you know what, what the heck. Taking random pictures of myself in the mirror is better than doing homework and/or laundry.

Just promise me you won't look directly at these photos. I'd feel bad if you went blind: one ( ... two (

If you don't want to risk looking directly at me, I somehow accidentally took a shot that turned out all artsy ( It actually makes my hair look straight. Huh.

...*runs from the horror*
10-21-2005, 5:13 PM
Im waiting to become a superbestfreind.

I just have to be patient, till then, im happy being goggliscious, even though I have no goggles yet...

 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:14 PM
Aw, you know what, what the heck. Taking random pictures of myself in the mirror is better than doing homework and/or laundry.

Just promise me you won't look directly at these photos. I'd feel bad if you went blind: one ( ... two (

If you don't want to risk looking directly at me, I somehow accidentally took a shot that turned out all artsy ( It actually makes my hair look straight. Huh.

...*runs from the horror*

Part of me expected you to look like Milla. And I'm going to say I love your hair.
I might post tomorrow, when I get to use the camera.

DANG. You have a cool comforter.
10-21-2005, 5:17 PM
Tyra don't feel bad you look great. No I'm not hitting on you or nothin' but I got a girlfriend so I can say this you're very hawt.
10-21-2005, 5:18 PM
Part of me expected you to look like Milla. And I'm going to say I love your hair.
I might post tomorrow, when I get to use the camera.

DANG. You have a cool comforter.

Heh, I look absolutely nothing like Milla. I think I look more like Maureen from Full Throttle...only not as pretty. We have the same color hair, anyway. And aw, thank you. I'm slowly learning to love my hair on the days when I don't wish it were dead.

As for the mean the one on the bottom bunk? It's a quilt, actually. I forget who made it, but somebody in our family did. It's covering up the fact that there's no sheets on that bed, because bare mattress = ugly. (God, I love not having a roommate.)
10-21-2005, 5:18 PM
Ill post some pics of myself, but probably only in my livejournal, where only my friends can see me. : / cause im like that
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:23 PM
Heh, I look absolutely nothing like Milla. I think I look more like Maureen from Full Throttle...only not as pretty. We have the same color hair, anyway. And aw, thank you. I'm slowly learning to love my hair on the days when I don't wish it were dead.

As for the mean the one on the bottom bunk? It's a quilt, actually. I forget who made it, but somebody in our family did. It's covering up the fact that there's no sheets on that bed, because bare mattress = ugly. (God, I love not having a roommate.)

Ahh. I see. It might be a problem when I start imagining myself in a trenchcoat and gasping when I look in the mirror.


My hair is feeling particularly... brown today. And kind of shiny. And it is the coolest quilt in the world.
10-21-2005, 5:25 PM
Heh, I look absolutely nothing like Milla. I think I look more like Maureen from Full Throttle...only not as pretty. We have the same color hair, anyway. And aw, thank you. I'm slowly learning to love my hair on the days when I don't wish it were dead.

As for the mean the one on the bottom bunk? It's a quilt, actually. I forget who made it, but somebody in our family did. It's covering up the fact that there's no sheets on that bed, because bare mattress = ugly. (God, I love not having a roommate.)

Oh don't feel bad you're totally hawt I would totally date you if I lived in your town. But then I'm seeing somone. Aw whateva. You're hawt anyways. Love the hair.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:26 PM
Oh don't feel bad you're totally hawt I would totally date you if I lived in your town. But then I'm seeing somone. Aw whateva. You're hawt anyways. Love the hair.

Hm. I'm not sure if that's the best thing to say to a mature girl. :'o But she has cool hair.
10-21-2005, 5:28 PM
Are you saying I'm immature?!
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:31 PM
What? No. I just said not all girls like it when they're told they're hot.

Life is crazy like that, dawg.
10-21-2005, 5:33 PM
Tryaa's pic made me want to wash my face with soap and water because hers is so CLEAR looking. and i have an acne problem D:

and you also look like a girl I used to know...
10-21-2005, 5:34 PM
I was givin' a compliment. Does every girl think you're flirting w/ her if you say she's hot?
10-21-2005, 5:41 PM
Sorry Tyra I thought Klia posted that because your avatars are so much the same. You're hawt but I'm not saying Klia isn't and I mean.. Uh... Um... I'm so confused.
10-21-2005, 5:42 PM
Tryaa's pic made me want to wash my face with soap and water because hers is so CLEAR looking. and i have an acne problem D:

and you also look like a girl I used to know...

I look like a girl everyone used to know. o.O People tell me that all the time. Including a friend of mine in Australia who swears he met my doppleganger on a ferry once. It's freaky, y0.

(And shh, don't tell anybody, but I have acne too. You just can't see it in the photos because I didn't shove the camera up into my pores.)

I don't mind being told that I'm hawt, though. ;D
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:42 PM
Awww. Klia. Your sig is going to make me cry.

Damn. That sounded random. I meant to post before Tyraa.

Acne? DOES IT HURT? Or is it fun? :0
10-21-2005, 5:52 PM
Awww. Klia. Your sig is going to make me cry.

Damn. That sounded random. I meant to post before Tyraa.

Acne? DOES IT HURT? Or is it fun? :0

for me it hurts. D:
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:55 PM
for me it hurts. D:

Wow. You totally just answered a rhetorical question! I love you.

So, I might post pictures of me/my cool goggles later, once I snatch the camera.

Expect bleeding.
10-21-2005, 5:58 PM
Wow. You totally just answered a rhetorical question! I love you.

So, I might post pictures of me/my cool goggles later, once I snatch the camera.

Expect bleeding.

I WIN :0

and yay! bleeding!

(and on a totally off-topic note, im on these forums and playing Psychonauts AT THE SAME TIME)
10-21-2005, 5:59 PM
(and on a totally off-topic note, im on these forums and playing Psychonauts AT THE SAME TIME)

Now that takes talent.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:59 PM
I WIN :0

and yay! bleeding!

(and on a totally off-topic note, im on these forums and playing Psychonauts AT THE SAME TIME)

I'm at these forums and brushing my teeth and trying to play Psychonauts at the same time while trying to shove money into my pocket.

You can imagine how smoothly it's going.
10-21-2005, 6:01 PM
Now that takes talent.

yeah, i know, im awesome *sigh*
10-21-2005, 6:04 PM
I'm at these forums and brushing my teeth and trying to play Psychonauts at the same time while trying to shove money into my pocket.

You can imagine how smoothly it's going.

like, woah. you should be on Ripley's believe it or not.
10-21-2005, 6:06 PM
Everyone here has to be awesome!
10-21-2005, 6:06 PM
On a completely un-related note...

No. The superBESTfriends decide.

And it's just a game.

That means I might me just an acquaintance then.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 6:07 PM
1. I have been on Ripley's. Remember the corpse alien baby?
2. Grud, you are pure awesome.
3. Yes, Ray. We are frigging cool.
10-21-2005, 6:09 PM
I kind of expected her to look like Milla,too. Weird. And Tyraarane, you are pretty. Here's me.
10-21-2005, 6:10 PM
Ohh you are talking about the superbestfriends. Not the SuperBestFriends. Gotchya'
Yeah Klia, you're in it silly bunny bun bun. You need 2000 post so I can be with another superduperbestfriend.
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