Well I've finally done it I have released my first utility. After piecing together sourcecode from various different source examples at planetsourcecode.com I have developed a scripter interface for my fellow modders. There are still many features that I am working on such as Keyword highlighting and more advanced script compiling calls.
Here is the readme:
NSSEditor Readme:
Author: Darkkender
Version: 1.0
System Requirements: Windows 2000 or later(this is due to some of the features within the editor.)
This is a rather simple utility designed with the scripter in mind. In the current version it serves simply as a advanced version of notepad. It also provides you with the means to compile TSL scripts only by default. Future releases will have the option to compile using various different switches and for the different versions of nwnnsscomp.exe. If you want to make use of this for other versions of NWN script simply change the the included compile.bat file at this time to read the proper paramaters that you want it to use. Expect this to change in version 2. Also in later versions will be keyword context highlighting features.
When clicking on the compile button make sure to have saved your current script before compiling or it won't compile.
You can download it here:
Direct Link.