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Its too DARK...

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05-01-2000, 10:36 AM
I'm using XWA german version with int. patch 2.02 on a PII 400 with Voodoo 3 3000. In skirmish mode it happens very often that the dynamic light engine fails to load - this means that no light sources from stars etc. are reflected on the ships. It's just too DARK...This prob does not appear when playing campaign missions. Any ideas?
05-01-2000, 1:48 PM
Check the brightness level. ANd some of the SKMs laod up with a really lousy Local light source, like a Dark red. I usually have the Local light source on "some" and the brightness at about 1/3.
05-01-2000, 2:25 PM
Thanks for your reply, K_Kinnison!
Unfortunately this does not solve the problem: I start a mission for the first time and everything is o.k. Then I restart/reload the same mission with same brightness-setting etc. and suddenly the local light is completely gone (the source itself is still displayed, but has no effect on any texture (looks a lot like the original X-Wing ;-)) Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. TRON
05-02-2000, 9:57 AM
I'm afraid that I cannot help you with the Voodoo 3 3000 since I have never worked with one of those.
This thread is transferred to the Tech Center Section, where some of the HW gurus might give you a hand...
05-04-2000, 12:56 AM
Unfortunately, you won't find too much help here, it sounds like a rare engine bug, which can't be helped. But it's possible it could be a driver problem, so if you're using the newest betas, switch to the last supported drivers, and if you're using supported, switch to the newest betas.

System Apex (
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