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Another rpg-What a good RP should be.

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10-07-2005, 3:02 PM
Ness saw her and suddenly heard screaming children and decided to give the helmet a rest. He took it off and the voices suddenly stopped.

Maybe Sasha should look into the... side-effects of this thing...

((Just decided to give the story a little more... explorability))
10-07-2005, 3:04 PM
Darling what are you doing here?
10-07-2005, 3:07 PM
"Oh just,-

Wait... if Sasha wanted her distracted this helmet must be a big secret thing...

-checking out the bathosphere."
10-07-2005, 3:11 PM
Oh have you seen Sasha? I can find him. He told me to meet him.

_Thinking -okay so he didn't but I need to talk to him-_

(I got to go Class is ending..)
10-07-2005, 3:14 PM
"Ah, good afternoon!! I had the funniest dream about chex mix."
10-07-2005, 3:29 PM
Morry's face turned a rather interesting shade of purple, but whether it was from embarrassment or a spontaneous temper tantrum not even he could say. "Okay, look, I apologized for that. Three different times! The kids are going to keep their brains this year, I promise!"

He flicked a few more bits of asphalt off his arm and had just started to walk towards his office and get settled in when the rest of what Cruller had said finally hit him. "Wait. New staff member? When did we get a new staff member?" He stalked off towards the main campgrounds, mumbling under his breath: "Nobody ever tells me anything! I'm the senior facility advisor; you'd think they'd tell me something, but nooooo..."

Edit: (to keep up with other events) Morry stopped in his tracks, though, when the scream went echoing through his head. He whipped back around and looked at Cruller. "Okay. You see me standing here, right? You know I had absolutely nothing to do with that, right? ...What was that, anyway?"

His whole demeanor changed as the scream reached his ears. He had completly dropped the aloofness he usually carried. "It sounded as if it was coming from the boat area."

Cruller made a movement that could have only been described as akward. It was a run that had been cut short by his old age. " go right on ahead, I'll catch up to you later."

It hurt him to do that but the kids were more important to him than his pride. Wounded but not defeated he crawled down the entry hole, strapping himself into the seat. "Take me to the lake."
10-07-2005, 4:45 PM
"Wow, where is everybody? I'm headin' down by the lask to catch Nessie.Ha Lock Ness monster joke."
10-07-2005, 5:15 PM
Sasha looked at Agent Vodello then became visible "oh Agent Vodello uh did'nt expect to see you here" Sasha glanced at Ness to and waved as to say run
(thought of a plot Ness still has the helmet and the campers start using)
10-07-2005, 5:21 PM
Natasha arrived at the lake to see Ness, Sasha, and Milla. "Hi Ness, Sasha, Milla. How are all of you on this wonderful Wispering Rock day?I just thought of somthing. Do us campers get a t-shirt of somthing for when we lose all our memory and forget those we met here and what we did?"
10-07-2005, 5:24 PM
"oh thank God she she came in just on cue" Sasha thought to himself "well thats an interesting question if you and Ness would comeback to my lab I would gladly explain it. Sasha motioned for them to follow him
10-07-2005, 5:28 PM
"ok, well come on Ness. Lets follow Sasha to his cool lab and he'll tell us about our t-shirts or whatever kind of sweet thing we get for attending this camp." Natasha followed Sasha to the GPC.
10-07-2005, 5:35 PM
"*whew* glad thats over now chidren Vodello can not know about this helmet i'm entrusting it to you take good care of it and don't over use it the results could be catostrophic" Sasha then motioned to Natasha "make sure that Morry doesn't get his hand on it either"
(well this should be interesting)
10-07-2005, 5:38 PM
"What, am I the constant distraction? and do we get a T-Shirt???and since when am I child?? ~rolls neck~"
10-07-2005, 5:48 PM
"What, am I the constant distraction? and do we get a T-Shirt???and since when am I child?? ~rolls neck~"
"eh, could be worse, ever been talked down to by a bee?" Ness said as he stuffed the helmet into his backpack.
10-07-2005, 5:51 PM
"A bee, Ness. hmmm, that's interseting. but I want a t-shirt. My old penpal Milka went here, and she got a t-shirt."
10-07-2005, 5:58 PM
Sarah woke up late, still completely dressed. "Woah, wonder where everyone went. Probably the lake or something." She combed her hair with her fingers and decided to explore camp a bit.
10-07-2005, 6:13 PM
"A bee, Ness. hmmm, that's interseting. but I want a t-shirt. My old penpal Milka went here, and she got a t-shirt."

"*sigh* fine Natasha I will give you a T-shirt" he went to a box in the corner and pulled out a shirt with a WR logo on it "will this fit" he replied cooly
10-07-2005, 6:14 PM
"Yay!!! You're my best friend!" Natasha runs up to Sasha and hugs him
10-07-2005, 6:20 PM
Sasha felt his small cold heart grow three times it's size when the girl hugged him....but then shrunk back "ok ok thats enough hugging for one day" he said without changing his tone
10-07-2005, 6:21 PM
"aww, sombody's not such a happy camper." Natasha said in annoying tone of voice.
10-07-2005, 6:24 PM
"yes yes yes now you two must leave in case Vodello comes and remember what I told you about the helmet" Sasha motioned towards the tree stump transit system
10-07-2005, 6:25 PM
"You want us to hide in a tree stump?A tree stump in your underground lab?"
10-07-2005, 6:26 PM
"no it's an underground transit system it can take to any part of the camp now quickly get in."
10-07-2005, 6:27 PM
Ness looked inside it.

Hey... it leads to a system of catacombs!

"You can count on us," and with that he hopped into the stump.
10-07-2005, 6:31 PM
Sarah was examining a stump near the cabins.

Wierd... a tunnel. She threw a rock into it, listening as it clattered its way down. "Maybe it leads somewhere."
10-07-2005, 6:33 PM
Ness was speeding towards the Main Lodge, as that is where asked the stump to take him, and then a rock smacked him in the face.

10-07-2005, 6:35 PM
Sarah blinked, hearing something shout. "Sorry!" That probably wouldn't help, but it made HER feel better about it.
10-07-2005, 6:37 PM
"I'm following him." Natasha hopped into the transit system and Sasha overheard her yell "To the main lodge!!"
10-07-2005, 6:43 PM
Ness hopped out of the stump at the main lodge and waited for Natasha.

Geez this hurts... he thought rubbing the sore on his face.
10-07-2005, 6:43 PM
"Main lodge?" Sarah blinked, wondering if that was where the thing was headed. "Might as well go there myself."
10-07-2005, 6:45 PM
"WEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Yelled Natasha she went through the transit system. She hopped out and said "Golly gee willakers! That was fun. I'm headin into the lodge. I heard this place had a band. I'ma see if they need a singer!!"
10-07-2005, 6:48 PM
"They might need more help then that, with all 'population' of the camp so far I'd be amazed if anyone was in there at all..."
10-07-2005, 6:50 PM
"HI!! Nobody here. I'm gonna sing a song anyway!!! ~starts to sing a kick butt version of "These Words"(her fave song) by Natasha Beddingfield~
10-07-2005, 6:50 PM
Sarah saw the others near the main lodge. "Yay, people!" She walked up. "Where'd you guys go anyhow? You weren't at the lake last night."
10-07-2005, 6:52 PM
"well we were just-"

Think Ness... this is what you were trained for.. covering stuff up.. alien attacks, stealing cookies, um...

"-stuck in the GPC, the door closed when we were looking at it and we were stuck there for a while. Luckily Agent Nein let us out before we ran out of air."
10-07-2005, 6:54 PM
Sasha looked on the ground next ot the transit system a piece of the helmet had fallen of "hmm doesn't look important I guess no harm can come of it"
10-07-2005, 6:55 PM
"Is anyone listning? Can anybody hear me?? I guess they don't like that song? Here's a cooler song." ~Natasha started to sing Bring me to Life(her second fave song) By Evensance.~
10-07-2005, 6:57 PM
Sarah crossed her arms. "I do know that you get to Sasha's lab via the GDC area. But I'll accept your blatent lie. For now."

She looked at Natasha. "Wow. Someone else here can sing?"
10-07-2005, 6:59 PM
"You noticed??? People always say I sound like an oprea singer."
10-07-2005, 7:01 PM
"I dunno, you sounded a bit like a friend of mine during Bring Me to Life. Which is an awesome song, by the way." She grinned.
10-07-2005, 7:03 PM
"Thanks Sarah. Look, I got a t-shirt!!"
10-07-2005, 7:06 PM
"... Lucky." She looked at the strange stump. "Those things are a bit wierd. I threw a rock into one and something yelled."
10-07-2005, 7:09 PM
Oh, was it Ness, cause me and Ness used it to get out of Sasha's secret lab, that's where I got the t-shirt. Give him a hug afterward, I think he needs a hug.
10-07-2005, 7:15 PM
Ness stood by listening to the conversation and hoped the helmet itself wasn't brought up.
10-07-2005, 7:18 PM
"I really don't think he needs a hug." She glanced at him and shrugged. "I feel like I missed something really big at the lake. All I did was make little origami animals fight to the death until I fell asleep."
10-07-2005, 7:23 PM
"That's pretty sweet considering I can only make a cup in origami. Somthing else did happen at the lake ~Natasha wispers to Sarah about Ness trying to save her and Natasha kissing Ness~. It was so awesome!"
10-07-2005, 7:29 PM
"No way." Sarah grinned. "Hey, I still got a lion looking thing." She dug in her coat pocket. "You want it?"
10-07-2005, 7:32 PM
"Sure, that's kind of you. Do you know where Ness is? He was here a second ago. Now he's gone."
10-07-2005, 7:34 PM
Ness had wandered to a small alcove under the Main Lodge. He saw something gold catch his eye.

What the...

He picked it up.

"...a gold coin?"
10-07-2005, 7:38 PM
"Maybe he went invisible." She dug in her coat pocket, pulling out a slightly tattered, but still recognizable origami lion. "It's still moving a bit, so be careful."
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