try this
"- remodel and reskin Bao-Dur's remote (can equip. with droid items on malachor)
- improved stats (imunity Stun, Fear, Horror, Paralysis, poison,regeneration +4, dexterity +10, hp:350, level27, AC+5, fast movement rate,reflex +10)
- is equipped with:
*** "remote multi-spectral emiter" (d_device_90.uti: unlimited uses, dmg:100 energy/DC24+lv for half-dmg);
*** "remote unity grid" (d_shield_90.uti: unlimited uses, absorbs:energy, sonic, cold, heat, ion 110pts-200seconds or max. dmg taken);
*** "remote energized armor" (d_armor_90.uti: defense bonus 14, 10/- vs bludgeoning/piercing/slashing, reflex+5) (no special description for items)"