I think there should be a Mod that overwirtes the Mandalorian Heavy Blaster with Jango Fetts Wester-34, and the Mandalorian Rifle with Boba Fetts EE-3, that way we would have a Fett-filled expeirience
why would they need to overwrite them?
Because the Mandalorians hold the Mandalorian Weapons, and it would look cool of they held them
Yes, but then there'd be hundreds of them. And then they'd lose their uniqueness ;)
Hmmm point, okay better plan, make it so that Mandalore has them when you first meat him, how about that?
I'm glad you agree- but no one so far wants too do it, I'm not suprised though, seems too me that all the A1 Modders are already doing something :(
Not just the A1 modders - even lazy ones like me are busy with projects :D
lol, anyway this is just an idea and would be cool if someone would do them, I'd do it myself but I'm not very... Modding inclined (don't ask)
Neither was I :D
But this place is as good a place as any to learn this kind of stuff - better probably....
I disagree. I remember reading somewhere that those were weapon's that they customized. Maybe wrong, but I don't like that idea.
thats pointless, just make new one guns not replacing the old.
We already agreed that it was pointless