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Star Wars:KOTOR:Sith Lords

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09-19-2005, 6:33 PM
Senyo clapped his hands together enthuisastically. "Let's do this!"
 Jedi Atomic
09-19-2005, 9:08 PM
Ash- What about Zaalbacca?
Rebel Commander- he is... asleep i think.
Ash- ok then...(silence)... tell him to head to whatever ship we are at, ok General?
Rebel General- Yes, Sir!
Ash- Ok, lets go.
Senyo goes to The Wanderer and Ash and Ben go to the Sabra. They ancxiously wait to go. Soon the 3 Rebel Capitol Ships take off into Hyperspace.
Ash- Hope Zaalbacca and Roarboar wake up soon and get down here.
Ben- Yea, me too.
09-19-2005, 11:36 PM
Senyo hit a few numbers on the comm, changing the frequency. Then, opening a channel, he said "This is Senyo of the Wanderer to Ash or Ben of the Sabra, do you read?"
"(static)We read you loud and clear, Senyo."
"Alright, we've established communications. Now then," he said, punching in hyperspace coordinates and taking the controls, "Let's roll."
 Jedi Atomic
09-20-2005, 8:18 AM
Ash and Ben follow Senyo out of the Independence and suddenly Zaalbacca and Roarboar come flying out in their ships. Soon all of the ships land on the Leviathon and soon control the hangar.
Ash- (comlink) Where are you, Senyo?
Senyo- (comlink) In the hangar next to you.
Ash- (comlink) Zaalbacca, Roarboar, you guys there?
Roarboar- (comlink) Yes, but we have some dark jedis in here but we can handle them.
Ash- Ok Ben, we need to get to the others.
Ben- Yes, I know.
They open the blast door and There stands another Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi Paralyzes us with the Force and takes us to a interrogation room.
Dark Jedi- What are you doing here and why are you fighting?
Ash- We want to kill, Revan.
Dark Jedi Well I see that's not going to happen, ha ha ha ha!
Ben- like your going to stop us?
Dark Jedi- Admiral, your turn.
Admiral- What does this mean? You are attacking the Leviathon? hmph. You confuse me. Maybe you should retre......(inturupted by Ben)
Ben- Why would we retreat? We have a chance of killing Reva.......
Admiral- Silence!
The admiral walks out and closes the door.
Ben- Now what?
Ash- Well i managed to keep our comlink ill comlink the other guys. (comlink) hey Senyo come in do you read me?
Senyo- (comlink) Yes what do you need and whats taking so long?
Ash- (comlink) We need help we've been captured have you met up with Zaalbacca and Roarboar yet?
Senyo- (comlink) Yes
Ash- (comlink) Ok we are trapped in the interrogation room right next to the prison block down the hall to your third left you will find you way from there.
(background)- hey you what are you doing? (elctricity zaps)......(static)........
09-20-2005, 12:02 PM
A sith officer enters the cell followed by troopers, dark jedi and a few battle droids.
"You were foolish to attack the levithan. We're docked with the Star Forge now and Revan isnt pleased. She wants to call off the attack your planning before she gives the order destroys that city. We werent kidding by saying that we'd destroy the city is you gave into our demands. And we werent' kidding when we wouldnt destory if you do what we ask."

A dark jedi pressed a bottem on the consels and the prisoners we shocked so much they where knockedout. They next woke up in a different cell. The metal was different, the air and smell were also different. They were now in the Star Forge.
09-20-2005, 6:07 PM
Zaalbacca: Let's save them Senyo.
Roarboar: Hurry.
 Jedi Atomic
09-20-2005, 9:59 PM
Ash- Senyo will stop you and so will Zaalbacca and Roarboar.
Sith Officer- yea right, like they'll be able to get on the Star Forge without being blown up in the process.
Ash- they will make it, im sure of it, heck im positive. (Wondering) I hope they make it here in time.
The Jedis with Ben and Ash that were in stealth mode during the capture, secretly followed Ash and Ben everywhere they went so at that very moment the field around the cell suddenly went down, and Ash and Ben were shocked yet confused. "Why did the field go down?!?! What is this a trick??"
the Jedis stayed in stealth mode but said....
Jedi whispering- hey it us the jedi that were with you we followed you around don't worry we'll get you out of the Star Forge.
Ash and Ben grab their pistols and go out the door finding many sith soldiers. The jedis used *Force Wave* and knocked everyone out for a little while and ran to the next door to the weapon storage. Ash and Ben grab their robes and Lightsabers and head to the blast door leading to the hangar. The door opens and many Sith soldiers and some Dark Jedis were walking in the hall noticed the Jedis and started shooting at them. Ash cut their arms off and battled with the Dark Jedi. After killing everyone in the portion of the hallway they run down the hallway to the hangar door maybe finding some shuttles or sith fighters to get to the Leviathon and get the Sabra. They open the door and thousands off Sith Troopers are lined up and they wonder whats going on. Soon a shuttle lands and Revan comes out and walks toward their door. They start to run to the other door and are stopped by Ash.
Ben- no not now anytime but now look at all the soldiers.
Ash- (pleading) why, now our chance? fine cmon follow me.
Soon they end up in a medical room so they decide to rest up and heal a little before moving on. Across the hall they end up in a droid room so they repair some and order them to follow them and kill all hostiles. They walk shortly after Revan walked by towards the door they barge through droids first and shoot and slice and cut all the Sith troopers. While the Droids finish off the troopers all the Jedi get in the Sith Fighters, since all there is, is Fighters, and launch. They head towards the Leviathon and are unnoticed by the Sith. They land on the Leviathon next to the Sabra and get ready to battle incoming Sith once they noticed its them. We better get to a less guarded Sith Star Ship or Capitol Ship.
09-20-2005, 11:15 PM
Senyo, Zaalbacca, and Roarboar ran down the decks of the Leviathan, trying to find a way onto the Star Forge. After a while, Senyo stopped in mid-step.
"Hand on a sec..." he told the others. He turned, as if seeing through the walls, watching as something came around and apparently stopped somewhere behind them.
"Someone's done our job for us," he said, "Ash and Ben are back aboard the Leviathan. They're back in the hangar."
09-21-2005, 11:16 AM
"So the jedi want to run. Admiral i want you to make orders to keep all the sith fighters in the middle of our fleet" Ordered Revan "Tell them if you try to escape they shall be destroyed by the star forges cannons,remind them that the cannons never miss. Whats the situation of Yavin 5?"
"We've completely demoltished it. It's now just a gaint peace of debris allthrough there is chance it's oneday regain itself but not anytime soon"
 Darth Wiggles
09-21-2005, 1:07 PM
After hearing Bastila,Arken went to Revan's chambers.
"I am sorry for the delay Mistress Revan,what was it that you wanted from me?"asked Arken.
09-21-2005, 2:08 PM
"It's time we got rid of the senate. Take a ship. Not a sith fighter or shuttel or anything that was made by the star forge. And make sure your alone!! Then I want you to dock with the Imperus thats poistioned over a senate meeting. Then order them to fire apon the senate building. Make sure nothing sirvies and then when you finish go to the consel in the captains room, who you should kill first, and then activate order 31 to the droids. The password is Cristain. Make sure you tell noone!"
 Darth Wiggles
09-21-2005, 5:28 PM
OOC:Just wanted to say that Arken is a mix of Sith Assassin and a Sith Marauder,forming a new kind:the Sith Avenger,if i can.If not,then Arken is a Sith Marauder.

IC:"Well my Mistress,peraphs i should use one of the republic freighters."suggested Arken.Revan nodded,and demanded him to go.She gave sign for someone to come in.The person was Bastila.

"Bastila,when he returns keep an eye on him."ordered Revan.

Arken went to the Star Forge docks,and dashed away.Arken set some coordinates and jumped into hyperspace.Arken reached there after a long traveling,and docked with the Imperus.Arken walked to the bridge and told them to prepare the gun turrets.

"Sir,shouldn't we fire immediatly?"asked one of the troopers.Arken choked him and answered:"I will operate the gun turrets myself!",and let him die in the ground.He ran to the gun turrets,and sat down.He waited a few moments and then shot down the Senate building with a single shot.The whole building fell,but wasn't destroyed.Just to make thing clear,Arken shot down the remains until it was Tatooine sand and dust.Arken continued following orders,and went to the Captain's room in the counsel.Arken put a Aratech Echo Belt on,and snuck in.He reached the captain,and deactivated the echo belt.The captain turned himself to Arken,only to be fried by a thunderous Force Lightning.Arken went to the Security Computer and choosed to activate Order 31.A window opened saying it needed a password.Arken typed Cristain.

"Now,let's see what these droids can do."thought Arken to himself.He got out of the Imperus,and put his cloaking device on.Another Jedi Fighter came in,probably to search for him.

"Hm.Fool...-whispered Arken as he silently shot down the Jedi Fighter-now you understand the True Power of The Dark Side!"shouted Arken laughing deviously.
 Jedi Atomic
09-21-2005, 9:28 PM
Soon time passed and Senyo, Zaalbacca, Ben, Ash, Roarboar, and other jedi capture a capitol ship and set it to a collision course with the Star Forge. (ooc: is this alright?)
09-22-2005, 11:54 AM
(ooc:You'll die before you even hit the star forge but just focus on escaping.)

"Darth Revan, the senate has been destroyed. There where no sivours and order31 has been activated."
"Are the rebels and jedi still here?"
"Yes mistress."
"Fire apon Cornet. The corrlian capital."

Above the planet of Corrlian five sith captail ships unleashed all cannons on it's captail city, Corenet. In 15 mins the once busy city of Cornet was turned to rubbel and the sith captail ships left the sector and into an unknown location
09-22-2005, 4:47 PM
Roarboar: We got to escape to our ships.
Zaalbacca: We will die before we hit the Star Forge.
Roarboar: That's a risk we have to take to save ourselves. Now let's go.
They get to there ships & see the ships surounded by sith.
Sith: Die jedi.
Roarboar: We'll see about that.
They fight the sith, & get to their fighters. They barly make it out & the capital ship gets destroyed.
 Jedi Atomic
09-23-2005, 7:48 AM
Ash and Ben head to the Sabra and get in.
Ash- (comlink) Senyo give me the coordinates to hyperspace, before we blast off.
Senyo beams in the coordinates and Ash punches them into the hyperspace Sequence buttons. Ash and Ben encounter some Sith Capitol but evade the shots and launch into hyperspace.
09-23-2005, 7:18 PM
Zaalbacca: Let's follow the Sabra.
<The Undertaker & Ebon Hawk jump to hyperspace>
Roarboar: Where we going Ben?
 Jedi Atomic
09-23-2005, 8:46 PM
Ben- To a republic base, hopefully it is there still, after the rendevous point is clear well go to the base.
 Darth Wiggles
09-24-2005, 7:13 PM
Arken docked with the Star Forge.He once again used the secret elevator onto the viewing platform.The strange thing was that Revan wasn't there.Arken went to the computers to see the cameras if he could find her.It required a password,but he didn't know what that was.

"She has left for a while."said a female voice.It was Bastila again.

"Would you mind on not scaring me out?Where is Lady Revan anyways?"asked Arken.

"She has went to the Rakata Homeworld to find some clues."said Bastila.After that moment,Revan entered the viewing platform.

"Arken,i heard about your work.Very good.You will travel with Bastila on this next mission.I want you to go to Dantooine.There find Master Vrook,kill him,take his lightsaber as a prize and take his head to here as a proof.Now go!"shouted Revan.Arken and Bastila entered the Shade of Death,and flew away.
09-25-2005, 10:06 PM
Senyo hits the comm button. "Alright, we'll jump in" There's a hum and each of the ships jumps to hyperspeed and are lost to sight.
*Fifteen Minutes Later*
"The camp should be in sight in about five minutes...well, what's left of it, anyway."
 Jedi Atomic
09-26-2005, 8:29 PM
Senyo, Ash, Ben, Zaalbacca, and Roarboar land in a hangar still standing with a few structures beside it. While landing they see a campfire alongside the standing structure and say first to explore the campfire area first. They walk over to it and a republic soldier is sitting alone.
Republic Soldier- Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?
Ash- We are here to seek refuge from the Sith attack for a while. Do you mi......
Soldier- you're a jedi??
Ash- Yes. So, do you mind?
Soldier- I'm here until someone rescues me. Will you take me along?
Ash- Sure we need all the help we can get.
09-27-2005, 4:56 PM
Zaalbacca: What is your name soldier?
Roarboar: We can give you a ride in our ship, The Undertaker.
Zaalbacca(shout): Peragus, Argon, get your butts out here.
Peragus: Coming.
Argon: Coming.
Zaalbacca: They are Mandalorians.
10-01-2005, 10:50 AM
"So....what now?" Senyo asked.
 Jedi Atomic
10-01-2005, 11:04 AM
(((im running out of ideas, lol)))

Ash- im not sure do any of you have an idea on what do do next?
Everyone looks at each other and start thinking.
10-01-2005, 11:20 AM
"Well first of all..." Senyo began, "I think that it would help if I knew exactly what's been going on. Who is this Revan? What's happened that made you all such terrible enemies? And where the hell are all the Jedi???"
 Jedi Atomic
10-01-2005, 11:47 AM
Ash- they must be dead or in hiding we would never find. I assume.
Ben- They most likely won't answer any calls so i would be impossible to find them. They might come out when the Sith either settled down when conquered everthing or come out when they sense no danger or little danger.
10-01-2005, 11:53 AM
"Okay..." Senyo said, thinking it strange that theJedi would such a thing. "Now then...what of Revan?"
 Jedi Atomic
10-01-2005, 12:26 PM
We shall find (((him or her?))) and try to destroy the star Forge or do something that might take (((him or her))) out of power and stop attacking Republic bases, so the Republic can regain and restore the universe.
10-01-2005, 12:51 PM
((Revans a she. And I would like to add that there is a massive fleet surronding the star forge so it's going to be very difficult or impossible. I'm coming up with ending ideas and the sequal.)
10-03-2005, 5:25 PM
A strangh looking ship was a private hanger. It was metal and shaped like a dart. Darth Revan walked up to it and jumped into a cockpit. A dark jedi master walked up to the sith emperoress "Lord Revan. You summoned me?"
"Yes Darth Igruis. You are to take temperary controll of the ships around the star forge. Dont fail me!" With that Revans figher lifted off, exitted the hanger and the star forge, then entered hyperspace.
 Darth Wiggles
10-04-2005, 5:15 PM

The Shade of Death was almost in Dantooine and Arken cut the silence by asking a question.

"Sooo...what's your story and with Empress Revan?"asked Arken.

"Well,it's a long story,but it should keep us busy until we reach Dantooine.I was born in Talravin.Soon i went to the Jedi Order.My master was Zhar.There,i met Revan.I knew she was strong in the Force and powerful in the lightsaber combat as soon i saw her.I also saw a bald man with her."-"Malak"

"Yes.When The Mandalorian Wars began i told every Jedi to hear the Jedi Council's word,but i wanted to go.The Mandalorian Wars ended on Malachor V,and Revan disappeared with the whole armada.They came back,but changed.As Sith Lords.The Jedi Civil War then began,and i was sent in a Jedi Strike Team to capture Revan.When whe reached the bridge,Malak betrayed Lady Revan and shot onto the bridge.My companions were instantily killed,and Revan was also almost dead.I took her to the Jedi Council and they took away her memories.When the Endar Spire was attacked she escaped with Carth to Taris."said Bastila.Arken thought a little about Taris and Carth.That was the password.

"I reached Taris safely,but i was captured by some vulgar swoop gang and made me prisoner and prize for the swoop race winner.Fortunately,Revan was the winner.She had already many companions:Carth,a Twi'lek named Mission,her Wookie companion named Zaalbar and then she bought an astromech droid named T3-M4.A Mandalorian named Canderous helped us out of Taris because Darth Malak bombarded the planet.We went to Dantooine to re-instruct her in the ways of the Jedi.On the ruins we a found an ancient Star Map.We went to Kashyyyk,Manaan,Korriban and Tatooine.In Tatooine i found my mother and learned my father was dead hunting a krayt dragon.We retrieved the holocron and i kept it.After getting our fourth Star Map to the Star Forge,our ship was captured by the Leviathan,and i stood behind to fight Malak and give them enough time to escape.I was made a Sith.On the ancient homeworld of the Rakata i docked in a temple and Revan entered it as well.She chosed the dark side and we killed an old man and a Cathar.When we reached the Ebon Hawk,the fools were unaware of that.Everyone submitted to Revan's power,except for Carth and Mission.Carth escaped like a coward leaving the Twi'lek behind and alone.Revan ordered Zaalbar to kill her because the wookie had swore a lifedebt to Revan.We went to the Star Forge and while we were simply walking,Zaalbar turned on us.Revan simply Force Choked the wookie and threw it onto the depths of space.The wookie probably died when he touched the fiery sun that fed the Star Forge.Revan killed Malak and reclaimed he throne of ultimate Sith Lord and we celebrated that in the homeworld of the Rakata.That led to here."said Bastila,finishing her story.
10-04-2005, 5:34 PM
Senyo went apart from the others for a while to meditate.
As he went to the other side of the camp, a soldier dressed in old, Sith armor came running up to him. He was half stumbling, half running. Parts of his armor were missing, cut, or burned from carbon scoring. His helmet was gone and Senyo recognized them as a Republic spy.
"S...Sir..." the spy was able to choke out between shuddering breaths, "P...please...My time short. Must tell...important information...not gonna last long enough..." the man collapsed at Senyo's feet.
"What? What is it?" he said, kneeling next to the spy.
"Mu...must tell...Ash...Ben...R...Revan...left...Forge...alon e..."
"Hold on, I'll go get Ash and Ben--"
"NO!" the soldier shouted, grabbing his shirt, "No time! Go! Meet her! Its...our...last...chance...she went...went to...*whisper*" the spy's voice faded, and his body went limp.
Senyo took the dead spy's hands from his shirt, laying them across his chest, and stood.
Was there enough time? No. Even if there was, a large fleet would only attract more attention. Besides, he could cope with this on his own. He had stayed alive by himself for the past 16 years, ever since he was twelve, why wouldn't he be able to now?
He quickly boarded the Wanderer, punched in some hyperspace coordinates, and took off.
Revan, here I come.
10-05-2005, 11:14 AM
Revans ship exitted hyperspace. Infront of her was a large Planet. The planet itself was black and red. Before her was the planet Mustafar. She speed towards the planet and soon enough she was entering the volcanic planet's atmosphere. She landed her Dart-Class ship in an edge of the volcano.

Revan got out the patted her ship. It began to lift up and entered a stealth mode. "Hmm. The star forge's work fails to unimpress me." said Revan smiling, then she walked into a cave in the volcano. She found herself in an anceint tomb. In the middle was an artifact protected by a force-feild tube.
10-05-2005, 5:24 PM
As Senyo exited hyperspace, he found himself staring at the fire-world of Mustafar. Why would Revan have come to this wasteland? What was there to find?
Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough.
It would be relatively easy to locate and follow Revan's Force-signature on this empty world. He began to cast about, and quickly located a large pivital point of Dark power. Never having met Revan before, he couldn't be sure if it was her, but who else would be there with that great amount of power? It had to be her. So, he quickly set the manual controls, and took off towards the signature's origin...
10-05-2005, 7:40 PM
<The Undertaker exits hyperspsce behind Senyo>
<The Undertaker lands near a pool of lava>
Zaalbacca: We will follow Senyo in case he needs help.
Roarboar: OK.
<Zaalbacca and Roarboar become invisable, hide their force aura, and follow Senyo>
10-05-2005, 8:12 PM
As Senyo started off, he sensed someone behind him. He whirrled around, but there was no one there. Even the Force signatures were gone.
"Hmm." he grunted, before turning around again. It was then that he decided to lose whoever it was on his tail before finding Revan. He didn't even know if they were friend or foe. Who knows what these stalkers were planning...
He suddenly used Force Run, dashing ahead at eye-blurring speed. Before whoever could follow, Senyo used an old technique that he had picked up on the Outer Rim. Taking the surrounding Force currents, he wrapped them around himself, and was gone from view. The constant swirling Force patterns also kept his signature and presence well masked.
Let's see them follow what they can't see...
10-05-2005, 8:25 PM
Roarboar: Where did he go?
Zaalbacca: Dunno. He's using the same trick we are.
Roarboar: Damn. Now what?
Zaalbacca: This is what.
<He put out a staff>
Roarboar: What is that?
Zaalbacca: A staff I found at Corasaunt. It can store force power. Watch.
<He shot where Senyo was and absorbed the force power>
Roarboar: Now we can see him.
10-05-2005, 8:37 PM
Senyo saw a small blot of color coming at him through the Force. Before he could move to avoid it, it hit him. He felt a strange sensation as the Force currents were unraveled from around him. How did they do that? No matter. Now he knew where they were.
He stretched out a hand, aiming lightining at them. A moment later, there was an electrical pop as it hit what Senyo guessed to be a stealth generator. The two stalkers were unshielded as the devices short circuted.
"Zaalbacca? Roarboar? What the hell are you two doing here?"
As they began to respond, he held up a hand, "Never mind, there's no time. Look, where I'm going I have to go alone. It will be too risky for you two to come with me. Besides, I don't know what I'm getting myself into, and I find it pretty hard to believe that a couple of wookies would be able to fit in unnoticed in a battalion of Sith soldiers. Leave here. If you don't want to do that, stay with the ships and keep them preped. I may need to make a quick escape here."
Without another word, Senyo turned and walked away.
10-06-2005, 1:56 PM
"The jedi have followed me here. Good. I could alwase use a fight. And a new apprentice. This one is close to the darkside.He can be turned" Said the dark lord as she left the tomb. In the distant she saw him walked between two volocanos. "Lets see if the star forge's power ups are effective"
10-06-2005, 3:18 PM
As the ashes flew around him, Senyo stepped from the cloud of smoke to come face-to-face with Revan.
She was dressed in custome made black robes, had her saber out at the ready, and wore a mask over her face.
"Revan, I presume?" Senyo said, drawing his blade as well.
10-06-2005, 5:00 PM
<Zaalbacca and Roarboar run back to the Wanderer and the The Undertaker>
Roarboar: The ships are preped.
Zaalbacca: Let's go back. He may need help.
<Zaalbacca and Roarboar run back and Zaalbacca pulls out his staff>
 Darth Wiggles
10-06-2005, 5:45 PM
As Arken's flagship entered a dock in Dantooine,he noticed a building over there.It was Khoonda.He could simply shot Khoonda with the Shade of Death's blaster shots,but he prefered not to.Bastila turned to him and said:

"We need to find Vrook,but the people of Khoonda are going to try to kill us if they see us."Informed Bastila to Arken.

"I think when we kill Vrook we should kill everyone there and take their possessions."boldly declarated Arken.

"No,that would bring us bad attention.Let's simply kill Vrook.But we need information.Peraphs you could kill one of the militia men,take his uniform,learn where Vrook is and come to me.I can't go because they know me very well."said Bastila.

Arken stealthed himself and ambushed one of the militia and killed him.He went to Khoonda and learned Vrook was on the Crystal Cave and went back to Bastila.

"Crystal Cave ha?Is that so?Vrook is stupid indeed.We can use the kinrath to weaken him phisically,and we weaken him spiritally and emotionally at the same time."she said.

Bastila and Arken went to the Crystal Cave and went to the place surrounded with crystals.There they didn't found Vrook.Arken,impatiently turned around only to be knocked down by Vrook that had just appeared.
10-06-2005, 7:16 PM
Senyo turned slightly to look behind him, sensing Roarboar and Zalbaaca coming closer.
What did I tell you?? This is my fight and mine alone! Stay with the ships!

((By the way, italics are mind-speak))
 Jedi Atomic
10-06-2005, 8:32 PM
Ash launches after a little bit after Senyo and launches into hyperspace right behind Zaalbacca and Roarboar. Ash lands close to where the other two landed. Ash and Ben unboard and sense the force north of them so the two run in that direction. While running they are stopped by Zaalbacca and Roarboar running back to the ships.

Ash- Where Senyo?
10-06-2005, 8:34 PM
((Uh, guys...Senyo never told anyone where he was would Ash and Ben know where Senyo was going? Or even Zalbaaca and Roarboar?))
 Darth Wiggles
10-07-2005, 5:00 AM
OOC:The Force?Maybe they sensed Senyo was with Revan and thought he would be in trouble.
10-07-2005, 11:05 AM
"Your allies dont to trust you jedi... They dont believe your strongh enough. Maybe you should teach them that your the stronger one. Use your force to put them into a statis." Revan spoke. She could feel the darkside strongh within the jedi knight, she just needed to help him imbrace it.
10-07-2005, 6:05 PM
It was true...those two wookies were really starting to piss him off. He waved his hand and the two stopped in their tracks. He turned back to the Dark Lord.
"Heh, don't think that I'll be that easy, Revan." he said, igniting his blade.

((Hey Steve, I'm thinking of having Senyo and Revan fight for a while, and then Revan's mask falls off, and, ta dah, there's the woman from his dream. And, just as in his 'vision', he's captivated...and I think we can figure out what happens from there...))
10-07-2005, 6:29 PM
She laughed "But lets make sure they dont interput.." Revan used the force to send waves of lava at the path infront of the wookiees. Soon it was just a river of lava.
"They would be able to jump yet. And if they do I can use the force to push them into the lava. Now let us fight!" She drew her saber and ignited it. A duel of fates had began.
10-07-2005, 7:04 PM
Senyo smiled, sliding back into a fighting stance.
"Ladies first." he mocked.
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