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PCGM upgrade and broken links!

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09-10-2005, 8:49 AM
As pointed out by Redhawke, the urls of your old mods located at PCGM have changed since the upgrade of the site. Old links will bring a 404 "page not found" error.

Please update your threads! :)
09-14-2005, 3:03 PM
Darth 333 do you know where I contact sergio (the owner of PC gamemods)?

I dont want to flame him (like many did for no reason), I want to inquirer if the new PCGM is going to have a forum later, similar to the older PCGM.
09-14-2005, 11:25 PM
No. Sergio has statred there will be no forum section added at any time, as many of the modding comunities that use PCGameMods have their own forums somewhere else the forum section at PCGameMods was useless.

I'm personally glad of the changes Sergio made.

For those needing to change their links...

You need only take your existing link like so...

And between the .com/ and the number put in /mod/ and at the end of the number .html so the above link would be altered thusly...

Now your link is fixed! :D
09-15-2005, 10:48 AM
My problem is that I don't read Polish and the Yavin 4 mod is giving me fits. The same goes for Hulas and Motor Squad's forum. Has anyone played this and how do you get off the flipping planet afterward?
09-15-2005, 2:45 PM
Thanks Redhawk I guess Ill just send PM modders for questions about their mods more often now.
09-15-2005, 3:11 PM
This is what this forum is for: people can ask their questions and give feedback concerning mods ;)
09-15-2005, 3:17 PM
09-15-2005, 3:55 PM
If you go to Sergio has now made it into a Table of Contents Page that lists the day's current upload count ;)

KotOR =
09-16-2005, 1:52 AM
No. Sergio has statred there will be no forum section added at any time, as many of the modding comunities that use PCGameMods have their own forums somewhere else the forum section at PCGameMods was useless.

I'm personally glad of the changes Sergio made.

I'm fine with a no forum for people who like to make mod requests and ask how to make mods and stuff like that, but I do like having the comment section for each mod that comes out. ESPECIALLY since Shaggoth used my artwork for his mod here...

Then download my mod...

And compare the artwork. I don't mind that he used my work, but he could have just gave me credit so people don't think he did all of it.

And it's because of the comments section that I learned T7's email for problems like this. I emailed him yesterday about it, I'm still waiting for a response. I say we need the comments on just the mods themselves back.
09-16-2005, 11:24 AM
[QUOTE=JediShemL]I'm fine with a no forum for people who like to make mod requests and ask how to make mods and stuff like that, but I do like having the comment section for each mod that comes out.

This is the thing I miss about it. Unlike JediShemL, my problem isn't having others steal my stuff, just trying to figure out how the bloody thing works
09-16-2005, 3:29 PM
[QUOTE=JediShemL]This is the thing I miss about it. Unlike JediShemL, my problem isn't having others steal my stuff, just trying to figure out how the bloody thing works

Each person has their reasons why the comment sections are needed. Because not everybody is going to come here and post a thread about their latest release of their mod.

Plus some people aren't going to create threads about their past work just in cause somebody has a question about them. Again, at least have their comment section put back up.
09-16-2005, 6:45 PM
Every site is balanced by what the creator WANTS to put up, not what we might demand. However if enough of us did, mayeb he'd relent.
However by the same token, those pages are prebaly floating around in web-space and maybe we can find them?
 General Kenobi
10-04-2005, 8:53 PM
If you guys and gals don't like or care for the new format how abouts posting your mods at the local below??? :D

It's where I'm gonna post my future mods. If you learn how to do it here why not post it here? ;)

I personally didn't even read the comments on my own mod submissions most times. Not to sound mean BUT since I always got help, feedback and comments from my W.I.P. thread here it seemed pointless. I really didn't care what the casual downloader thought one way or the other. The opinions I wanted are from the modders and downloaders here; who actually in most cases, helped make it via ideas or other input. ;)

I do like the new format that PCgameMODS has now though for some things. Great site and fantastic all in one downloading center. :thumbsup:

General Kenobi
10-04-2005, 11:13 PM
GK, the reason Lucasfiles isn't as popular is the 8 pages of legalese you have to agree to to use the site... quite dubious IMHO.

So I personally will be skipping that site, nor will I even download from it, I don't even have a link to it saved. :(
 General Kenobi
10-05-2005, 12:29 AM
GK, the reason Lucasfiles isn't as popular is the 8 pages of legalese you have to agree to to use the site... quite dubious IMHO.

So I personally will be skipping that site, nor will I even download from it, I don't even have a link to it saved. :(

Well Hawke that doesn't sound good at all then. :ball: I might end up just hosting them on my site and let that be that then. Save for the Emporium thread when I put something out. :D

General Kenobi
10-05-2005, 10:04 AM
GK, the reason Lucasfiles isn't as popular is the 8 pages of legalese you have to agree to to use the site... quite dubious IMHO.
The reason why you have all this legal stuff over there is because the site is officially endorsed by LucasArts and they are protecting their property. LucasFiles is a joint project between LA and LFnetwork (the present forums and are part of LFnetwork ( ). Legally speaking it's the safest place to upload your mods.
10-05-2005, 10:39 AM
the page just feels wierd
10-05-2005, 10:51 AM
Basically, all this legal stuff says:

1. LFNetwork is the owner of the site and you cannot copy the site
3. LFnetwork is not responsible for errors in or omissions from the information on the site. There's no guarantee that there will be no interruptions in the access to the site.
4. You cannot post content that (a) infringes on the copyright or any other rights of any person; (b) reveals trade secrets or any information which you have agreed, expressly or by implication, to keep confidential; (c) includes sexually explicit images, depictions, or content; (d) is obscene, indecent, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise unlawful; (v) contains a virus or any other potentially damaging content; (e) constitutes harassment or stalking [...]
5. You made the mods and if any other party is involved, you have the proper authorization to submit the mods.
6. You won't ask LFnetwork to pay you, and you give LFNetwork the permission to use the submitted material.
7. The submission of mods has to be made by a private individual for personal entertainment and not for any commercial purpose.
8. Do not submit material and ideas directly to LucasArts or it will be discarted. Submit only through LucasFiles.
9. You recognize that your mods are in whole or in part derived from Star Wars or other stuff made by LucasArts/LucasFilms and that you have no right, title or interest in and to anything contained in or derived from such material. (They are just protecting what belongs to them and telling you that you don't own StarWars).
11. What happens if LFNetwork gets into trouble because of the crap you posted. If LF gets sued because of you, you will be responsible.
12. If someone else steals your mods or part of your mods or ideas you won't sue LF Network or LucasArts or ask them to go after the person.

There's really nothing special about it. Simply that it was written by lawyers * instead of an individual with no legal background. The result is that it is much more painful to read but the terms are similar to what we find elsewhere.

* Contrary to some common belief, lawyers are not least not all of them :xp:

Edit: here is the LucasArts press release:
 General Kenobi
10-05-2005, 4:34 PM
Contrary to some common belief, lawyers are not least not all of them

Sith says what? ;) j/k Darth333 :D

General Kenobi
10-05-2005, 5:05 PM
GK, the reason Lucasfiles isn't as popular is the 8 pages of legalese you have to agree to to use the site...

Quite true... I read about half of that, which took about 2 hours and an english dictionary. I then gave up because it made my head spin and I didn't feel like spending another 2 hours reading the rest due to what I had read.

Since, from what I did read I couldn't have submitted my mods anyway, since once of the rules in that long text is that the mods you submit "do not include excessive violence". Both my force power mod and combat arena mod are pretty much all about violence, can it get more excessive than that? :)

Since PCGameMods is easy to use, has no such rule and does not require such a massive reading effort I'll probably stick to that site as well. :)
 General Kenobi
10-05-2005, 6:30 PM
I forget sometimes Stoffe that your primary language is German since your English is so good :D And good point about the violence, I hadn't thought about it that way. I guess some of the mods that come would be considered excessively violent.

Although personally I'd LOVE to see a "Blood & Guts" mod that spewed a bit of blood and splattered on the ground as an enemy died. That would make the game much more realistic. Besides you can see that in 7th grade history class covering war. ;)

Most all of us do have our past mods over there at PCgameMODS & it is where all of the big ones first got released too.

Something to think about I guess....
Hemm..."I have a bad feeling about this."

General Kenobi
10-22-2005, 1:47 PM
Is PCGM upgrading again? Or am I the only one who can't get to their site?
10-23-2005, 2:30 PM
im not able to access it either
10-23-2005, 3:16 PM
it's moving to a new server, might be a few days before it's back up...

here's the thread:
10-27-2005, 5:44 PM
I noticed that PC Game Mods went back up about midnight on the west coast. I was waiting for that because I have a mod to upload. Anyway, you may notice that you can't quite yet upload mods yet. So when that is open again, give the word. I have a mod in KOTOR that will be a new challenge to conquer. It may even tick off some people because of the challege it gives. :laughing: :dev10:
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