I was thinking that maybe a mod could be made for making a head for greivous, and maybe his 4 lightsabers could be a force power? (or a feat?)
1) modelling Grievous = very hard
2) No way to add animations to him, so he'd have to be based on an existing character...
3) Lightsabres would need new animations, unless they were like D333's "Floating Lightsabre" power.....
Sorry :(
I think is possible to modify a headband or a mask to look like greivous head
but 4 lightsaber?! no. no with what we have.
first of all new body model is need for this. animated model. then new type of equip slots (4 slots for hand weapons)
I think to be impossible to make this
well, i don't know much about modding, so i don't really know, but i was thinking that maybe one can make two extra lightsabers by making them part of the character, but then, they would be useless...
I didnt want a new body just a head, and I need to check some stuff on the 4 lightsaber thingy...
As we cannot make new models that have animations this includes Heads and Bodies, this is impossible at this time, as Grevious would be a big head and body model mod... sorry. But you never can tell what will be possible in the future! :D
But in the TSL Holowan Plugin they have Obi-Wan's head and stuff, so what about that?
they used a head to make that, its not a new model. its made from one of the heads like all the other heads in that mod.
You could make a grevious from that, just make part of the face invisible, or can you not do that?
Nope, a reskin will not net you what you want, you are asking for a new head model, in both your threads here, this we cannot do.... unless we have some sort of breakthrough!
Jedi Knight, and anyone new to the forums here, let me reiterate what Achilles posted in another thread;
This is a great community and the more modders the better. It would be nice if noobs spent a little more time reading the forums and a little less time trying to tell the veterans what should or shouldn't be possible.
Right now models with animations (including heads and body models) are giving us a headache, and are not possible to make from scratch at this time. We have only scratched the surface... without any official support mind you, so we may never be able to do this... please keep this in mind everybody! Thanks! :)
Alright....shoot I thought that would be a good mod...well thx for being patient redhawke :)
If it were possible, it would be a good mod, I agree!
I liked ol' Grevious... though he did cough a lot! :D
i did find this mod (
http://pcgamemods.com/mod/12388.html) do u have any idea how he did that?
And your right greivious did cough a lot...i mean they have lightsabers, blasters, the force, but no cough drops...odd
i did find this mod (
http://pcgamemods.com/mod/12388.html) do u have any idea how he did that?
Simple it is a reskin. That is Darth Nihlus' Model reskinned to as close to grevious as you can get, but it is still Nihlus' model with all it's limitations. His head is part of his body model. And he won't be able to wield more than one saber in combat.
If that mod is fine with you then go for it. :D
*sigh, wishing there was a button that you pressed and you got what you wanted*......jeez then i might get a gf, forget the grevious model :D
having general grevious would be awesome.
I was doing some thinking, and in the mod that I said above, what if we remodeled one of the choosable heads to completly transform into grevious, like he remodeled darth nihlius? On the selectable charcter screen, it would just show the normal head, but once you select it, it would really be grevious. There would be some limitations, like only using one weapon and the normal stuff, but it would still be cool.
he didnt remodel it, he reskined it, and u could try to make the grevious head (very hard) but i dont think u will get what u want. And the head wont match anything in the game. clothes, robes, armor.
Not to mention your new custom head won't move! ;)
Shoot...my dream is in the drain *looking into the sky* maybe in the future...
How about trying to reskin a human model to have metal-like skin and pretend he's a half droid/alien, and allow him to use double sabers but no force powers? And replace g0t0. Doesn't have to be General Grievous, maybe call him GR-13 v0-u5 (Geonosian Robotics Serial Number 13, Version 0, Upgrade Mark 5).
Let him keep g0t0's voice and role in the story. Still makes sense to me... Just a suggestion... because I'd do anything to replace g0t0 with someone who is actually useful and can wield light sabers.
I know it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a Grievous model with working animations, but my suggestion is reskinning a human model... maybe this is the primitive prototype (two arms) of the future General Grievous 4000 years later? Bought by the rich Goto as a henchman/watchman to monitor the Exile.
Grievous was a dying alien warrior rebuilt in Geonosian foundries as a cyborg, according to here:
Sorry for having to bear with my hyperactive imagination... hope it at least gave some of you food for thought, even if no one is willing to make such a mod :)
no thats not what jedi_knight_707 wants, he wants the head to look like grevious's head. A skeleton like face, very bony. Which isnt possible, a human skin with a metal coat will just make him look like a mime, wearing alot of make up. But u did come up with a good story, although the skin would just look bad.
How about trying to reskin a human model to have metal-like skin and pretend he's a half droid/alien, and allow him to use double sabers but no force powers? And replace g0t0. Doesn't have to be General Grievous, maybe call him GR-13 v0-u5 (Geonosian Robotics Serial Number 13, Version 0, Upgrade Mark 5).
Let him keep g0t0's voice and role in the story. Still makes sense to me... Just a suggestion... because I'd do anything to replace g0t0 with someone who is actually useful and can wield light sabers.
I know it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a Grievous model with working animations, but my suggestion is reskinning a human model... maybe this is the primitive prototype (two arms) of the future General Grievous 4000 years later? Bought by the rich Goto as a henchman/watchman to monitor the Exile.
Grievous was a dying alien warrior rebuilt in Geonosian foundries as a cyborg, according to here:
Sorry for having to bear with my hyperactive imagination... hope it at least gave some of you food for thought, even if no one is willing to make such a mod :)
Nice idea, but I think that this is not possible, as much as it pains me TT
Actually I wasn't talking about what Jedi_Knight_707 wants... more like what I want.... oops...
Because I want to play the game again, but the thought of the disgustingly stupid and hideous g0t0 is deterring me.
Well... no bony face... how about the MagnaGuard?
Could use one of those Sith Assassin heads. I don't really know if metallic skin'll look bad, but my guess would be the worse they'd look is like those chrome Sith Troopers from KotOR 1... which aren't half bad IMHO...
Well, thanks anyway for listening...
the sith soldiers dont have a human like face, its a helmet. General Grevious would be very bony in the game. But i do agree that goto is useless, i hate him too. I also hate bao-dur!
dunno if it helps any or not but on Dxun, in that weapons cache, the droid foreman has like 4 arms i know it doesnt look anything like him but..
can that model be used ?
droid foreman which one was that, their was the skeleton lookin ones and the big ones from the beggining of the game at peragas?
this driod foreman is on the dxun moon, he is in the hidden mandalorian weapon cache that mandolore sends you to open or get,
the model is like man size, but he has 4 funky lookin arms but maybe if he was made bigger like grown 150% maybe and such and then o course weapons and sabers could be attached to those arms and re skined he might work
but im no modder or skinner heh just pointing out that model had the extra arms hope it helps.
A tip if someone tried to model grevious, try starting out with an HK appearance... Might be a lot easier
I looked at the forman model while planning my mech mod, I don't remember if I could get sabers to work, but it did have more than two arms, the downside is it looks like the protocal droids, just with more arms.
Maybe you could use HK and just add motionless arms and useless sabers, they could be extended back like wings to stay out of the way and look menacing
(on a side note, greivous in BF2 demo is really anoying:D)
This is what I meant when I said reskinning a human model to look like a droid. Simply marvellous!
If that replaced g0t0, I'd be pretty much overjoyed!!!!