Yo everyone!
My name's Ido, but my friends call me Fishos (my net friends anyhow :p).
I'm new to the Grim Fandango community, but I was one of the firsts to be Grim Fandango fans!
I still haven't browsed these forums, so I don't know anyone yet, but I'll be honest: I came here for help.
I live at Israel, and I'm also a Little Big Adventure fan. This combination has brought to the world the Hebrew translation for Little Big Adventure (
http://hebrew.twinadv.net/). First I translated the game's text and edited the font, then I inserted it into the game. All of this of course, using programs LBA fans have made.
Now, you guessed right, I want to make a Hebrew translation for Grim Fandango.
The thing that stands in my way is, how?
So to the point, are there programs to edit Grim Fandango text, font, or any other sort of content? I'll greately appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.