...to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
Yes, I am still here, in the shadows, trying to find the strength to resume work on the defiled shrine that is Kickstand. The question is, though, should I?
I'm still not sure.
Go for it, the people need to remember what once was and what never was.
I gotta write that down.
I gotta write that down.
Didn't you just do that? LOL
I'd love to see the Kickstand back :)
Hey Ben :D
It's weird that we should both appear from the darkness at the same time... or at least around the same time. I missed all yous guys, unless you have anything to add to the kickstand maybe you should put it in a format that will make everything accessible to people in an archive format. It's sad but all too well known that Full Throttle 2 will never be, so how much can you really add onto a site that already has everything Full Throttle?
by the way, is there still a #monkey-island floating around this wide world?
Hey, there was that bug that recently occured on the LF Network, which meant that you couldn't visit any pages apart from the front page on any of the site (unless it was fixed, which most have been now). Well, that problem still seems to be occurring on the Kickstand. Someone should fix it ;)
Hey, there was that bug that recently occured on the LF Network, which meant that you couldn't visit any pages apart from the front page on any of the site (unless it was fixed, which most have been now). Well, that problem still seems to be occurring on the Kickstand. Someone should fix it ;)
It's not so much a bug as it is a security "feature." The real problem was that nobody was told that it would be turned on.
fascinating... and hello to JBRAA :)