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This would be an incredibly awesome senario

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08-13-2005, 3:13 PM
Sorry I can't spell senario (unless its spelled right :) )

Level: Utapu (obi vs grievous planet)
Factions: Clones (you) vs CIS
You're playing as Obi-Wan the whole fight (because this is going to be different from a normal battle) and you and the clones kill all of the CIS. And because you never loose your hero, you loose almost no clones at all. Now everything's going great. Then you see a cutscene of Obi-Wan killing Grivous (movie footage, of course). Then... ORDER 66!
Now, because of how good you played, you have nearly 200 clone troopers trying to kill you! You desperatly run around the battlefield finding cover. Eventually you kill enough of them to make the level end.

That would be amazing! First fighting the droids, then the clones! But this isn't the Episode 3 game so it probably won't happen.
 Darth Alec
08-13-2005, 3:20 PM
I doudt that youll be invicible as a jedi, but it would be awsome to to that. And win!!!
08-13-2005, 4:39 PM
You could play as a rouge clone that was slightly messed up during the cloning process. The clone thinks more about right and wrong than just following orders and decides to help the jedi get off the planet.
08-13-2005, 6:02 PM
You won't be invicible, you'll have health instead of the bar they use.
08-14-2005, 12:20 PM
And will you be able to die ?...
08-18-2005, 7:17 AM
Well, a mode where you're invincible all the way though is interesting for about a minute before you realise no skill is required to win.

Personally, playing UT2004's assault maps, I begin to wander if Epic should have helped with map design. Anyone ever played the level with the Skarjj mothership?
08-19-2005, 1:25 AM
...Personally, playing UT2004's assault maps, I begin to wander if Epic should have helped with map design. Anyone ever played the level with the Skarjj mothership?

I've played the Skarjj mothership. About three days ago too. I'm not understanding the point you are trying to make here.
08-19-2005, 7:34 AM
Easy, in battlefront, you're most likely going to fly in craft, or fight on land, capture command posts etc etc. In the mothership, you HAVE to destroy the mothership by taking out key sections, while defenders would have to protect them. No faffing around with reinforcements or posts.

You get objectives for each side, mission accomplished if one team manages to suceed in the mission, rather than waiting for the ticker to count to 0 and losing them 2-a-second yourself because your AI mates can't guard 3 command posts at once. Okay, BF2 does have missions, but don't you agree that "Destroy the Star Destroyer" as a mission done in the style of 'Mothership' would be the coolest level ever?
08-19-2005, 9:36 AM
Destroy a Star Destroyer ? If you're enough patient to cross one kilometer, from propulsion systems to gunners' posts, yes, it would be nice... :p
08-19-2005, 3:39 PM
Yeah, but if they had good team work mechanics it could be done. You know, each squad gets assigned a different target. But they probably won't do it.
08-19-2005, 4:37 PM
You could play as a rouge clone that was slightly messed up during the cloning process. The clone thinks more about right and wrong than just following orders and decides to help the jedi get off the planet.

All defective clones were reconditioned before allowing them on there own. It is impossible that a clone could "go rogue" (unless they were an ARC Trooper, which were not active at the end of the Clone Wars).
08-19-2005, 5:24 PM
...Okay, BF2 does have missions, but don't you agree that "Destroy the Star Destroyer" as a mission done in the style of 'Mothership' would be the coolest level ever?
Yes, I wish SWBF had more types of play rather than just capture the CPs or kill everyone. On Endor, for example, the level should end when the shield generator is destroyed. That was the rebel's mission, destroy the Death Star's shields. It shouldn't matter if all the rebels on the planet die as long as the shield is taken out.
08-20-2005, 8:26 AM
All defective clones were reconditioned before allowing them on there own. It is impossible that a clone could "go rogue" (unless they were an ARC Trooper, which were not active at the end of the Clone Wars).
If I remember well, the rate of reconditioning was 7 for 200 produced clones... Splendid !... :D
08-22-2005, 3:52 AM
Destroy a Star Destroyer ? If you're enough patient to cross one kilometer, from propulsion systems to gunners' posts, yes, it would be nice... :p
Heck. That'd be cool. Now that is what I call a battle. Anyway, the Geonosis level is about that big. Anyway, you wouldn't need to cross the whole interior, just key sections like shield control, or the bridge, or maybe even the brig if you're rescuing a commander.
08-22-2005, 3:59 PM
Destroy a Star Destroyer ? If you're enough patient to cross one kilometer, from propulsion systems to gunners' posts, yes, it would be nice... :p

You don't need to walk all the way. They could put in some sort of elevator liked they used in episode 4.
08-22-2005, 5:12 PM
I doubt theyre going to do that though. They are going to have the interiorof the Death Star though (not the entire thing of course)from what I've heard.
08-23-2005, 1:34 AM
They only need two or three different floors in the Death Star with the elevators being the only way to move between them. All the other doorways or elevator buttons can be shown as damaged and thus inpassable. This would give an illusion that the Death Star map is a complete map.

It [the elevator] would be a great place to toss a gernade in as the door closes...
08-30-2005, 11:44 AM
You don't need to walk all the way. They could put in some sort of elevator liked they used in episode 4.
I guess you're meaning something like this sort of "train" there is aboard the Doomgiver, in Jedi Academy...
08-30-2005, 3:19 PM
I guess you're meaning something like this sort of "train" there is aboard the Doomgiver, in Jedi Academy...

Actually that was in Jedi Outcast. :p
08-31-2005, 8:55 AM
Oops, that's true... Maybe I was a little tired... :D
08-31-2005, 12:58 PM
You're playing as Obi-Wan the whole fight (because this is going to be different from a normal battle) and you and the clones kill all of the CIS. And because you never loose your hero, you loose almost no clones at all.

I disagree with you here. Jedi/Sith should not be playable throughout the entire match without them worrying about losing control. I have no major gripes with what they're planning to do, though I'd prefer it if the Jedi/Sith then just reverted to AI (though in this case, he could get on that creature and chase Grevious). You could just sit in the middle of their forces without a care in the world under your system. To use one effectively, you should have to use skill.

Then you see a cutscene of Obi-Wan killing Grivous (movie footage, of course). Then... ORDER 66! Now, because of how good you played, you have nearly 200 clone troopers trying to kill you!

No real problem here. If a player has done well enough to stay on the battlefield and survive, then they deserve to be pwnd like this. It'd be great fun for everyone (I hope), with shots flying everywhere. Maybe give Obi-Wan the objective to get to the iguana thingy, so he can get taken down properly...

You could play as a rouge clone that was slightly messed up during the cloning process. The clone thinks more about right and wrong than just following orders and decides to help the jedi get off the planet.

Major disagree here. The Clones were perfectly loyal to the Republic, with their ultimate allegiance to the Supreme Chancellor. Even the ARCs had this loyalty, despite their impulsiveness. They were genetically modified to be loyal, and their loyalties were bred towards the Republic. The Jedi were just field generals. not real leaders.
08-31-2005, 1:16 PM
[...]The Jedi were just field generals. not real leaders.
Yes and no... Jedi directed Clones in "the right direction" and made main decisions. (That was their main usefulness)
But Kaminoans thought there weren't enough Jedi to lead all their "creations", and decided to launch the generation of brand-new units : The ARC troopers. Thus, Jedi became less useful...
08-31-2005, 1:54 PM
You could play as a rouge clone that was slightly messed up during the cloning process. The clone thinks more about right and wrong than just following orders and decides to help the jedi get off the planet.

Sorry for correcting, but I just think misspelling the word "Rogue" is fairly irritating. :tsk:
08-31-2005, 9:34 PM
Oh, well I guess my right hand was typing faster than my left one. :wavey: Bad hand bad.
09-01-2005, 7:42 AM
Why hasn't anyone come up with the obligatory "Kill all the Jedi!" mission? Now if they were overpowered but mortal, it'd be cool, like Geonosis or the Jedi temple (so CIS and Republic can have their Jedi-slaughtering fun).
09-01-2005, 1:28 PM
I've already sent this suggestion to Pandemic... I hope it will be integrated in SWBF II...
09-01-2005, 3:37 PM
That would be fun, I hope they add it, it would give players the chance to be there favorite jedi and others the chance to wipe them out once and for all...
09-02-2005, 9:30 AM
But that isn't as easy as that, because Pandemic'll have to respect logic and chronological order of some events...
09-05-2005, 7:58 AM
I mean, ain't the blarb supposed to be "fight the war ANY WAY I WANT!" I'm still annoyed I can't play as the CIS on Hoth because a bunch of pre-pubescents would moan about integrity.

Way I see it, in SP, yeah, fair enough, it aids storyline, but MP it should be anything and everything goes. I want mutators (UT style), I want vehicle customistation (heavy, medium, light, map-standard, transports only), loads of maps, loads of moddibility...and 4P split screen!

As a consumer, the more I'm given, the happier I get. Gluttony is not a sin in gaming!
09-05-2005, 1:36 PM
I mean, ain't the blarb supposed to be "fight the war ANY WAY I WANT!" I'm still annoyed I can't play as the CIS on Hoth because a bunch of pre-pubescents would moan about integrity.
You can use SWBF Mod Tools to make such a modification, you know...
09-05-2005, 1:40 PM
I'm not good with XSI and Milkshape and utapu requires too much modded objects. Though I guess it could be done with objects from Kashyyyk but I don't think that would cut it. Sounds like a Lord Bandu type of project to me.
09-06-2005, 8:26 AM
You can use SWBF Mod Tools to make such a modification, you know...

Well, I could also make a BF2- Battlefield 2 mod to save time, but then, what's the point?

People don't always ask their mum to buy games y'know.
 Darth Arrow
09-06-2005, 9:04 AM
Yeah sure u can do the modding on the PC

But what about us who play on PS2 its harder on us cause we can't mod etc.

We have to play it as it comes and thats why we want the top quality out of the original product

Well atleast on Consoles anyway... PC can do woteva cause they have the abilitys to
09-07-2005, 7:57 AM
Yeah, that made sense. :P

But the way I see it, if I'm paying for a product, I want the most out of it. If it's a small SP game, fair enough, bish-bash-bosh. Simple. But if it's supposedly "The best game EVAR+1" then it's in the interests to add as much functionality with the given product as possible (and reasonable, as well), ESPECIALLY for console owners. Pandemic have the prob that they need to get the simple functionality of the consoles, but PC owners want the moddability and more "realism" in their gaming.

Heck, even UT2003 didn't go multi-platform in the way BF has.
09-07-2005, 11:11 AM
Sorry for correcting, but I just think misspelling the word "Rogue" is fairly irritating. :tsk:

...maybe Rouge Squadron is an alternative lifestyle brigade. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
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