If you have a firewall or router you need to tell the firewall to allow the jamp.exe program to connect to the Internet. You might need to open or forward ports 29060-29062 and 29070-29081 through your router if you can't see any servers.
Just start the multiplayer game, click Play -> Join a Game. You will see a server browser window. Make sure Source is set to Internet, Game: All, Type: N/A, View Empty: Yes, View Full: Yes, Data Rate: LAN/Cable (if you have a DSL or cable broadband connection).
You will see categories: Server Name, Map Name, Plyrs (Players), Type, Ping. Clicking on the category name will sort the servers according to that category. The most important categories are Ping and Plyrs.
Ping measures the time it takes for information packets to travel between you and the server. You want Ping to be as low as possible to minimize "lag". Most knowledgeable players sort servers by Ping and play on the servers with the lowest ping.
You can also sort servers by Plyrs to find the busiest servers and then pick the busiest server with the lowest ping.
Many "newbies" don't know about sorting servers by Ping or Plyrs. They leave the list sorted alphabetically, which is why so many servers are named "...........": they are trying to be at the "top of the list" alphabetically :rolleyes:
Type tells you what type of game the server is running: Duel, Capture the Flag, Siege, etc. Read the manual to learn the official rules of those games.
However, in Jedi Academy almost every "FFA" (Free For All) server is not playing according to the official rules. They have "converted" (some would say "perverted" is more like it) the "Free For All" gametype into something else: chatting, playacting, and dueling parlors with all kinds of extra rules and rituals. Many of them are run by cruel, sadistic, unfair, abusive "admins" who will "punish" you and call you names ("lamer") if you break or simply don't know about their unwritten, unofficial "rules" and rituals. Some people have even been "punished" because the "admin" didn't like the name that the player was using! Some might tell you "well, then just find another server, there are plenty of others", but most "FFA" servers are run the same way, so your chance of finding a good one is very low and looking for the rare exception is a waste of time.
I strongly recommend that you avoid "FFA" servers entirely, or at least join as a "Spectator" (click "Spectate" instead of "Join Game" after you enter the server) to check it out and see if that's how you want to spend (waste) your time.
Capture The Flag, Siege, and Duel (and most Team Free for All) servers play the "normal" way according to the ofiicial rules, so you are generally safe there.
Also, download ForceMod III
http://www.lucasfiles.com/?s=&action=file&id=658) and its 1.01 patch
http://www.lucasfiles.com/?s=&action=file&id=876) for Windows,
http://www.lucasfiles.com/?s=&action=file&id=877) for Mac for a really cool expansion of the game with multiple "classes" (you can play as a Droideka or Gungan or Mandalorian bounty hunter complete with jetpack) and the Movie Battles II mod
http://www.moviebattles.com) for an expansion of the Siege gametype. If you ignore my advice and go to "FFA" servers anyway, the JA+ client plug-in
http://www.lucasfiles.com/?s=&action=file&id=1053) is nice to have.
Good luck, you'll need it!