Don't make me destroy you.
Hey, be happy that I assigned you to the least odd-looking of the three, in my opinion. :p
Whee! ^.^
That's quite a decent pic of me, actually
That's right, Baldy, you accept your picture. You accept it, and you LIKE IT.
That picture will haunt my dreams for years to come.
thats more evil than the pic I had picked out
The Windus (Mike and his girlfriend):
(insert obvious comment about Mike and girls touching him without vomiting here)
So lightninja is an anteater, a commonly vicious animal that thrashes other creatures that enter it's territory. Good to know.
I fail to see any pwn'ing.
you fail to see the humor
lightninja eats ants and other insects
Fried ants are considered a snack in some parts of the world.
you fail to see the humor
lightninja eats ants and other insects
But he can also kill a leopard with his thumb, once again you fail.
I'm suggesting this thread get a lock if it can't move back to good ole fashion fun rather than petty mocking with images.
Last warning.
This thread apparently sucks now. Originality is dead, and it is lame.