I know i posted this before(i feel really stupid right now) about not having the ability to post 2 times a day! u told me that there is a space of time in which u can post a message. i remembered this and took ur advice (thank u) Please help me again! :( and tell me everything about posting multiple times a day. thank u!
Your still having problems? Hmmm.... I have no clue what the problem could be. Next time your able to post, you might wanna try sending a pm to ChrisC3po and asking him about the problem.
Rhett tell me about the spaces of time between each message again?
I think it's thirty seconds, sixty seconds or two minutes.... not sure..... :D
It's thirty seconds... :mad:
Why so mad Rommel???:confused:
As for Defender...just redo him like you redid Kvan if you have to...:)
1. thanks again mods
2. whats that suppose to mean fergie?
Its supposed to mean that I had trouble with posting a LONG time ago and Chris had to delete my account and make a new one so I could post again like other people. And yes, he did let me keep my posts :)
BTW Rommel I thought it was 60 seconds...or maybe thats for pms...
60 secs= pms
30 secs= posts