I dislike abortion extremely. Abortion has been described by some as the 2nd Holocaust and I agree. Every human being, no matter how small deserves the right to live. And if you don't want the baby give it up for adoption.
Be glad your mother chose life.
And if you were born in a test tube, be glad your mother gave an egg.
Even though this should go in the OTHER abortion thread, the post is here, so I'd like to point out the Irony of you saying that they should give the baby up for adoption, yet you are AGAINST homosexuals being allowed to adopt a child. Meaning the child should be put up for adoption and left in a foster home. :dozey:
Not all homosexuals adopt children. And coudn't the child be adopted by someone else? Forsay non gay?
We really don't need another abortion thread since the other one is perfectly fine to use. So instead of us veterans STARTING ALL OVER AGAIN, just read the established abortion debate and then post in that one. -_-