At least for insane nuts like us who need every figure made :p
Oh, and Enterprise on the whole isn't that great. The chartacters weren't as good as TOS or TNG. TNG is my fav and always will be.
Andrew - I saw William Shatner on some laywer commercial! He was like "Theres a place.... right here..... in Massachusetts.". lol it was great. I think it was like Sholman, or something. I remember the number was 1-800-WIN-WIN-1. Let's call. :D
Thats not William shatner lol..i think its soem old actor from the A-Team named Robert Francis Vaughn.
He said "I'm Willian Shatner". Maybe you are thinking of a different comerical?
BTW - The name was Salamone.
No your definelty thinking of a different commercial, i watch too much day tiem tv, and Shatner is not the guy. However Shatner does play in a show as a lwyor, maybe your brain crossed those 2.
.... You leave me no choice.
Saturday, May 21
"Not a dream! Not an imaginary story!": The Law Offices of Mark E. Salamone have removed Robert Vaughn from their commercials and replaced him with William Shatner. If anyone sees online info for that please pass it on.
I think I'd know if I'm thinking of something else when I saw the commerical 3 times in 24 hours.
And i say ..yah well....shut up! Thats the end of that chapter.