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Random Ebon Hawk Skipping Dialogue. [TSL]

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03-03-2005, 3:03 PM
So, I'm on Dantooine (after completing telos and peragus mining station) and you know how everytime you complete a quest you can enter the ebon hawk and due to that nifty ability to hear your companions thought and speech, hear them talking to each other about you?

Yeah, I got one of those dialogues and now everytime I enter the ebon hawk the screen goes black as if to introduce the dialogue session (after of course the initial loading) and then simply stays black for a second, then flashes back.

Now, I know the dialogue happened because random characters will be like 'So, what did you make of that?'

Or 'Did you feel that tremor in the force?'

03-03-2005, 5:49 PM
well, i think the fade out/fade in thing is from a script that is checking some globals and influence levels to deturmine if one of those cutscenes needs to be activated. it doesn't neccessarily mean that a cutscene is supposed to be activated, it just means a script was checking, and either the requirements to fire a cutscene wasn't met, or the cutscene had already been shown.

hope that helps. :)
03-03-2005, 7:02 PM
Ah, that would explain it. Just seemed a tad odd.

Thank you, kind sir.
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