We have been playing JA on our LAN for sometime. It shares a single internet connection via DSL connected to a FR114P Netgear Router. Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that the masterlist will not GET NEW DATA correctly. If I run the DSL directly into my PC, 100's of server show up. If I run the DSL back via the router, no more Master List. Only about 10 show. The real starge thing is that under local, i get 2 or 3 internet servers listed. I have turned ports on and off. Move to an from the DMZ. The only other thing that works is if I configure my LAN IPs to match the local side of the DSL modem and plug them in to an old hub. It almost seems as though my router is shot.
EDIT: Turns out the router is bad. Sucks that it is less then 6 months old. I guess Netgear don't make them like they used too.