There I was, flying nice and casual (at least as casual as you can while trying to avoid broadsides from an SSD and ISD waiting for that little escape pod (the one with the stolen Death Star plans onboard) to reach the Independance.
There are no fighters left, after hunting them all down, and there isn't really much left that I can do but wait since the Pod is OK (i.e. nobody is targeting it)...and then there is an Act of God...I hate it when these happen...The bloody Pod gets caught in the crossfire between the Executor and Independance...BOOM...just like that it is gone...nothing I can do about it.
I was actually quite stunned for a minute because apart from the very first time I played that mission, I had never, ever lost the pod.
Oh well...the point of this post (there is a point) I was wondering if anyone else had suffered a similar fate, where God makes an unexpected apperance and completely cocks up a virtually completed mission?
'If the enemy is in range, so are you...'
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