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What's the hottest mod out there?

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02-03-2005, 12:54 PM
Hello, people, I just wanted to know what mod people like the most, out of mods for Kotor. Please If you would put a hyperlink, or tell me where the mod you think is the hottest, post it here. I really wanna see what people think, THANKS!:bounce1: :bounce1: :bounce1: :bounce1: :bounce1:
02-03-2005, 1:13 PM
02-03-2005, 1:26 PM
It depends what you are looking for. There are different kind of mods. Reskins, models, side-quests, new areas, force powers, items, etc.

You can check our Where can I find mods ( sticky and ( Pcgamemods also has a staff pick list of mods which doesn't mean however that other mods are not as good as those appearing on the list or that those appearing on the list will fit you needs.

Now, from experience, this is the kind of thread that has always had a "bad ending" and I am locking it before it degenerates.
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