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Force Power Damage!

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02-01-2005, 6:17 PM
I was wonderin', is there anyway to edit force power damage. Like a one hit kill?
Any help would be apperciated!;)
02-01-2005, 6:23 PM
This ( might be a good place to start.

I got it by typing "edit force powers" into the search field :) The threads started by tk102 are particularly engrossing. Cheers!

EDIT: dh-vug's thread on page 2 is very helpful as well.
02-02-2005, 5:03 AM
But, you can't give me an exact answer?
02-02-2005, 6:02 AM
But, you can't give me an exact answer?Oh is that what you wanted? In that case, YES.

I thought you said any help would be appreciated.
02-02-2005, 6:06 AM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
But, you can't give me an exact answer? Using the search function and reading the previous threads started on this topic would have given you an answer :D

Search and stickies are your friends...
02-02-2005, 6:35 AM
And just where would I find;)
02-02-2005, 6:47 AM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
And just where would I find;) Search is on the front page where it says "Search". Stickies are on the front page and start with "Stuck:".

I hope that helps.

EDIT: I made this ( a while ago and the stickies have since changed but it should be a good jumping off point for you.
02-02-2005, 6:50 AM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
And just where would I find;) Here:
Tutorials (

Search (
(edit: Achilles beats be to it :D )

Also check the file k_inc_force.nss in BIFs->Scripts.bif->srcipts, source.
02-02-2005, 7:02 AM
I think i'm gonna go the hard wat: I think i'll just edit spells.2da, and go to the powers that I want to do more damage, and switch it to 9. If this works, (Withch I dought it dosen't) I learned it from,Darth333. She is the BEST modder. (I think;)) And also, Darth333, did you ever get my e-mail? A LONG time ago, in a galexy, far far away? :) :) :)
02-02-2005, 7:47 AM
The damage caused by force powers is not editable in spells.2da. That 2da file merely tells the game which script to run. In every case of force powers except custom ones, that file k_sp1_generic. k_sp1_generic is just a wrapper for the real code which is contained in k_inc_force as Darth333 directed you towards.

You can read more about spells.2da is this ( tutorial. When you are ready for scripting, take a look at the Scripting Tutorial Forum (
02-02-2005, 8:04 AM
I don't think i'm EVER gonna get this!:confused: :confused: :confused:
02-02-2005, 8:12 AM
I'm sorry for double posting, but can you walk me through on how to do more damage in scripting? I just went in and saw alot of things, but couldn't tell where the damage was! Can you PLEASE help!?
:) or:( ?
02-02-2005, 8:30 AM

What you want to undertake may be a little too much for now. If you have never got into scripting before, I wouldn't start playing with k_inc_force.nss.

If you really want to mod kotor, I think you should start doing simple mods such as item editing and when you are done, make a small script to place your items in the game. This is the best way to learn and this is where the majority of modders start. Once you become familiar with those simple things, then attempting to modify other elements of the game will become easier.

..and btw, there is a button called "edit" at the bottom of each of your posts. With this button you can modify your previous posts: use it instead of double posting ;)
02-02-2005, 8:43 AM
Thank you, Darth333, I have started making items, but not putting them into the game. Maybe i'll learn when TSL comes out! And I don't know how to retexture, because I don't have PhotoShop, or PaintShop Pro, I can't model, because i'm a dunce, and deleted Gmax, e-mail. I'm probley one of the stupidest people here! I'm just gonna go have some Roman Noodles. I'll be back in a half hour!
:disaprove :disaprove :disaprove
02-02-2005, 8:46 AM
For retexturing, you can get GIMP, it's free (check the general tutorials section and look for the tools sticky).
02-02-2005, 7:38 PM
Is there no way to just show me where force power damage is in: k_inc_force.nss? I really wanna learn!!!:D
02-03-2005, 6:08 AM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
Is there no way to just show me where force power damage is in: k_inc_force.nss? I really wanna learn!!!:D The locations of the various entries are peppered throughout the script. To find it, you have to look around. No shortcuts on this one. You may want to consider making some effort to find the information on your own before posting repetitive questions to the forum.

The "how to ask good questions" link in tk102's signature line might have some great pointers for you. I hope that helps!

Also, as Darth333 points out above, scripting might be a little advanced for you at this time. You should give some thought to starting out with something simpler, just to get used to the game's internal workings before delving into "brain surgery".
02-03-2005, 6:50 PM
Originally posted by DarthSmallz
Is there no way to just show me where force power damage is in: k_inc_force.nss? I really wanna learn!!!:D

At the very least you should post which power you want to mod, and I am sure someone here will be able to help you
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