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having a problem with .utc editing

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02-01-2005, 8:21 AM
ok ive set up my own new area (a test area actually) i used the ruins on dantooine and placed malak where the ancient droid is...
i also made a new footlocker to test in the new area.. not using any scripts...

the problem im having is with malak... i used sta_45darthmalak from the star forge and i set his Faction ID to 1 making him attackable but the problem im having is:

(1) he doesnt have his lightsaber equiped (even though i edited his utc to make sure it was equiped)

(2) he has no animations for force powers or anything he just stands there taking hits while i notice i slowly loose like 12 points of energy every round ... when he seemingly is doing nothing....

(3) Finally even when i seemingly deplete all his energy he doesnt Die... above his head he'll have no energy but hes not dead and he i can keep fighting with him as if he still has energy left

im thinking the problem is that his utc file may still have the scripts in them for the star forge which is probably why im having these problems but can anyone confirm this... also if so where and how can i take them out

Thanks In Advance
02-01-2005, 8:38 AM
Originally posted by sketch42
(1) he doesnt have his lightsaber equiped (even though i edited his utc to make sure it was equiped) Make sure that the lightsaber is not only in his inventory but that he has it equipped in the right hand slot.

(2) he has no animations for force powers or anything he just stands there taking hits while i notice i slowly loose like 12 points of energy every round ... when he seemingly is doing nothing.... It could be a model problem: Some models do not have all the animations. I never played with the Malak model so perhaps someone else can confirm this.

(3) Finally even when i seemingly deplete all his energy he doesnt Die... above his head he'll have no energy but hes not dead and he i can keep fighting with him as if he still has energy left Make sure the "min 1hp" field in his .utc file is set at 0. If it's at 1 , then he is immortal. Check my tutorial on "how to recruit and npc in less than 10 steps" in the general tutorials section to learn more about editing .utc files.

BTW, I am changing the title to your thread: this has more to do with .utc edfting than area editing ;)
02-01-2005, 8:42 AM
Your probably right it probably is the script however I believe the script is looking for malak's tag for the starforge which may be causing the problems. But it could also be a number of other things.

*edit* Darth333 beat me and she likely is correct on most of the above.
02-01-2005, 8:54 AM
Originally posted by Darkkender
Your probably right it probably is the script however I believe the script is looking for malak's tag for the starforge which may be causing the problems. But it could also be a number of other things. :confused: There is no script. Just to clarify things, the module contains the .are , .ifo and .mod files packed together with Malak's .utc file.
02-01-2005, 9:18 AM
I was referring to malak's AI scripts in his utc file not in the area files. If I recall the scripting for the ai's malak has a specific set of 2 boss ai scripts within one of the include files. Those may be making calls to his tag line. I don't have the scripts in front of me so I may be wrong on the getobjectbytag references.
02-01-2005, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
[B]Make sure that the lightsaber is not only in his inventory but that he has it equipped in the right hand slot.

i did that using KT... i dunno how to do that in a reg GFF editor

It could be a model problem: Some models do not have all the animations. I never played with the Malak model so perhaps someone else can confirm this.
but this is the star forge model.. why wouldnt he have animations??

Make sure the "min 1hp" field in his .utc file is set at 0. If it's at 1 , then he is immortal. Check my tutorial on "how to recruit and npc in less than 10 steps" in the general tutorials section to learn more about editing .utc files.

ill check that tonight

btw.. when i was saying scripts... i meant the scripts that the utc file are looking for.. because i believe the star forge malak has a cutscene script and a dialog script etc... so if i can remove those calls from the utc i was thinking i could solve some problems ... but i dunno how to do that
02-01-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by sketch42
btw.. when i was saying scripts... i meant the scripts that the utc file are looking for.. because i believe the star forge malak has a cutscene script and a dialog script etc... so if i can remove those calls from the utc i was thinking i could solve some problems ... but i dunno how to do that The cutscenes and the dialogs influence the utc, not the other way around. As long as you have the right faction settings, etc, he should fight the same as anywhere else in the game.
02-01-2005, 5:58 PM
how can i check if this malak or any other malak has animations...

btw his lightsaber still isnt showing
02-01-2005, 6:12 PM
Originally posted by sketch42
how can i check if this malak or any other malak has animations...

btw his lightsaber still isnt showing Malak moves therefore he has animations. The model is a puppet. Animators asign animations to the model (puppet). Game designers use scripts to determine where the puppet shows up in the game, as well as to determine hostility toward the PC, etc.
02-01-2005, 6:30 PM
Originally posted by Achilles
Malak moves therefore he has animations. The model is a puppet. Animators asign animations to the model (puppet). Game designers use scripts to determine where the puppet shows up in the game, as well as to determine hostility toward the PC, etc.

well he moves here and there... but even his running towards you is sketchy and laggin ...he really doesnt have any attack animations... can i add them in?
is this also the reason why even when i equip his lightsaber in his right hand it still does not show???
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